A Stolen Cupcake.

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The people in the room were silent. The baby princess was sleeping being held by a her dad who was staring at his wife. Queen Grace was still, her face looking calm and still, peaceful almost.

"Your highness?" The Doctor said worried, "She didn't make it." Everyone in the room looked down not wanting to see the reaction of the King. Everyone knew the Queen and King were perfect for each other, so in love that their love for each other was spread to their kingdom.

The King looked at his wife, his queen, his love. She was gone. The flower didn't save her like it was suppose to. Angry thoughts went though his head.

"YOU'RE FIRED" the King shouted to the captain, waking the princess, who starting crying. The 5 year-old boy that was standing with the captain looked at the King, with brown wide eyes. The captain looked at his king, and nodded.

"Your hig-" the captain started to say before he was cut off by the King.
"GET OUT" the King continued shouting. While the princess was handed to the nurse. The guard and child walked out, before the young one left all the  way, he looked at the princess, who was still crying and then he stared at the king vowing he would get revenge back for his dad losing his job.

*A week later*

It had been a week since anyone from the Kingdom had heard from anyone inside the palace. They was a rumor about the captain of the guard being fired and that his son was with him. No one knew if the princess was born or not. No one wanted to think about whether or not the Queen made it or not.

The feast that was suppose to happen was eaten by everyone in the Kingdom beside the King and Queen. The banners still hung on the light posts and the flowers that were for the princess were still watered daily, in hope for news from the castle.

Inside the castle the princess was being taken care of by the most trustworthy nurse in the Kingdom, the Queen's best friend. The King had not been seen all week or heard from, he wouldn't let anyone into his chambers. Not even his trustworthy advisors.

The workers in the castle were worried, keeping the castle looking the same just in case the King came out of his room to become well a King again.

"Richard!" The King shouted from his room. A tall, older looking man walked into the room quickly.

"Yes, your highness?" Richard, the King's top servant. His glasses sliding down on his nose while he bowed.

"The funeral plans our on my desk." The King told Richard, while he sat in his chair by the fireplace, staring at a picture of the Queen.

"Will you be attending Sir?" The servant asked, walking over the King's desk and picking up the plans. The King had wrote every last detail done on one piece of paper. Richard looked over every word on the paper.

"I will, I'm also speaking to my kingdom. Have everyone gather their lanterns that were meant for the princess." The King spoke, standing up, he wore a black suit and his crown, holding a picture of his wife. "Have the Kingdom gather." Richard nodded and set out to spread the news.

While the Kingdom gathered, the King looked at the picture of his wife and exited his room, the atmosphere seemed to change in the castle walls.

"They're ready" Richard told the King while he walked out onto the balcony. He cleared his throat.

"My people, a week ago today, your queen, my wife and my daughter's mom, passed." Everyone gasped, all but one little boy in the back, watching intently. The King continued, "I have made the plans for her funeral, you will be told the rest of the news by tomorrow morning. Everyone must wear black."

When the King finished, everyone released their lanterns and the little boy in the back picked up a cupcake from a vendor, walking away while taking a bite.

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