Chapter Three

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Leila was trying to focus on the movie she and Harry were watching, but she kept getting distracted by her thoughts. A couple days ago, she'd checked Marla's and Jessie's twitter, and hadn't been happy about what she'd found. Leila had barely received any hate when she and Harry started dating, and that was probably thanks to the way he asked her to be his girlfriend, but the two girls had gotten so much in such a little time...

Marla seemed to be acting normal, fighting back the hate with sarcasm or kindness.

One girl had said "You don't even deserve my Louis!! He too good for you! You're just going to drag him down."

Her reply? "You're right. I don't deserve him. But I love him and he's by far the best thing that's happened to me! :) And he's mine, not yours, so back off sweetie.” 

Jessie on the other hand had been having a harder time with it, although she had avoided telling Zayn because she didn’t want him to worry about her, it still really got to her.

Leila leaned back into Harry's chest, playing with her necklace as she completely lost interest in the movie, listening to her thoughts more.

After the movie ended Harry turned off the TV and looked down at Leila, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb as he asked, “What’s wrong, love?”

She blinked a couple times before glancing up at him, "Huh? Oh, I've just... got a lot on my mind..." Leila sat up and turned around to face him, "Harry?”

“Yes love?” Harry smiled slightly.

"Have you seen Marla's and Jessie's twitter accounts lately?”

“No,” Harry shook his head, “Why?”

Leila pulled out her phone and opened the twitter app to the girls' pages before showing him.

Harry frowned, “This is terrible. Marla seems to be doing ok…but Jessie…has she told Zayn about this?”

"No.... I'm really worried about them…"

“We should tell Zayn, he deserves to know,” Harry said as he picked up his own phone, “And if he finds out on his own he’s going to be hurt that we or Jessie didn’t tell him.”

"Louis should know too, Harry. They both deserve to know...." She replied as she looked over at the phone.

Harry nodded as he dialed Zayn’s number and held the phone to his ear.

-Zayn piked up his phone after about three rings, "Harry, mate, vas happenin’?"

“Who all is with you?”  Harry asked right away.

"Uhm... Liam and Louis, why?”

“Put me on speaker,” Harry demanded as he did the same.

Zayn did as told, "Okay... is everything okay?”

“Have you guys seen Marla and Jessie’s twitter pages?” Harry asked, but continued without waiting for an answer, “They’re both getting massive hate, Marla seems to be taking it well, but….Jessie…I just…I don’t know.”

Zayn grabbed Liam's phone, quickly checking Jessie's twitter. His expression contorted in anger as he read the hate.

"How could they say these things about her? They don't even know her!" He stood, practically throwing Liam's phone on his lap as he grabbed his phone, ending the call with Harry, and his jacket and rushed out the door.

Liam checked on Marla's twitter, seeing the amount of hate on hers as well. She seemed to be taking it well up until a few days ago when the hate got worse. She'd stopped replying entirely.

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