I'm sorry

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"Natsu...I'm so sorry."

After Natsu finally let go of Lucy about 15 minutes later, they had been sitting on the roof of the school, watching the sunset. They hadn't said anything, in till Lucy spoke up.

"What?" Natsu questioned. "What for?"

"If I had never ask Lisanna to the library, this would have never had happened. Lisanna would have still been here."

"Luce, you could have never known."

"But, I still feel like...it's my fault in some way..."

"Luce, look at me."

Lucy turned to her right, facing Natsu who had a serious look on his face.

"You would have never known that Lisanna was gonna die that day. Nobody could have. It's not your fault in anyway, so stop blaming yourself." He commanded.

Lucy nodded and they fell into silence again.


"Yea, Luce?"

"Did you...love Lisanna?" Lucy said hesitantly.

"Well, yeah. She was my best friend, of course I loved her."

"I mean...more than just friends."

"What do ya mean?"

Lucy sighed. She forgot this is Natsu she's talking to.

"Did you like like Lisanna?"


Lucy looked at Natsu in surprise.

"I didn't. I may had had a small thing for her in grade school, but that faded away in middle school." Natsu stated.

"Oh, I forgot we went to the same middle school."

"Yeah, we did." Natsu smiled, then pouted. "How come you never talked to me?"

"I never really gave it any thought. I had heard stories about a boy setting the gym on fire, though." Lucy laughed softly.

"Hey, blame Gray. The ice princess had it comin'."

Lucy laughed at this and Natsu later joined.


"Yeah, Natsu?"

"Can you promise me that you'll never leave me?"

Lucy blinked. "What?" She said softly.

"Please? I've already lost so many people, I can't lose another. I don't want you to leave too. I need you to always stay by my side."

Lucy stared in surprise, then smiled softly. "Of course. I'll never leave, Natsu. You can't get rid of me that easy!"

Natsu grinned. They sat silence again.

"Natsu, what did you mean, "lose more people?""

He was silent for a second before sighing. "When I was a baby, there was a fire. It killed my parents. My brother got me out before dying from the burns on his body." He toyed with the scarf in his fingers. "This scarf was wrapped around me when the firefighters got there."

"I'm sorry." Was all she could say, looking at Natsu in sadness.

"Hey, it's ok. I got a awesome new family, so everything's good!" He said, having her his infamous grin.

She smiled, before looking forward again. After a moment, she spoke.

"When I was little, my mother died from a disease. I was heartbroken. My father, well, he took it harder. He started to neglect me. He started to...not love me. I guess I pushed his limits, because on my birthday, he threw my gift to him on the ground and slapped me. That's when I started to hate him. I was never really happy after that. I had finally had enough when he tried to marry me of to some guy I had never met. Then, I ran away." She paused for a moment. "All I ever wanted was for him to be proud of me. Or, for him to not look at me like he hated my guts. I just wanted him to be a father to me." She gave out a sad laugh. "But, I guess his work was more lovable then me."

Natsu looked at her. How could she have such a terrible father, but be so kind and caring. How did she deserve that? He clenched his fists in anger. She didn't deserve that. He felt the sudden urge to punch her father. Instead of that, he grabbed her and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

That's when she broke.

She began to sob into his chest, while he whispered "It'll be okay".

They stayed like that for awhile.

Cause all they really need, is each other.

A/N: Welp, there ya go! Some good NaLu fluff. :D I swear, I can't love this ship more than I already do. 😩😍 Once again, the picture doesn't have anything to do with the story but, whatever.

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