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*bows down to angry readers* I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY.

I've had a super busy, and terrible week. A lot has happened, and I just needed some time.

But now, I'm back! *jazz hands*

This may not be a very good chapter because, I seriously....I'm just not the best right now.

But, I'm gonna try for this chapter! Because, writing for you guys...it just makes me happy.

And also, I was reading your past comments and they put a smile on my face, even this week. So, I just wanna thank everyone who was left a vote, and reviewed. You guys are amazing.

So, here ya go.

Also, I LOVE DIS SONG 😩😩😩😩😩

Lucy jolted awake when she felt someone nudge her arm. She blinked serval times, and let her eyes adjust to the light. She looked over to see Erza reaching over Natsu, who head was still on Lucy's lap.

"Lucy, we're about to land." Erza said, a little quieter because people behind them were asleep, with a smile.

Lucy nodded. "Alright."

"Uggghh..." Natsu groaned. Lucy noticed her hand had stopped rubbing his head, from her falling asleep. Rolling her eyes playfully at his childish behavior, she began to play with his hair, causing him to sigh, losing some of his tension.

She smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Erza peeked at the blond, and smiled at her.

They're perfect for each other.

Erza sighed sadly, as her thoughts drifted over to a certain blue-hair male with a red face tattoo.


"WOOHOO, WE'RE FINALLY OFF THAT DEATH TRAP-OOF!" Gray knocked Natsu upside the head, shaking his head slowly.

"Would you shut up, Ash for brains?" Gray scoffed, his eyes closed in annoyance.

"Excuse me, Ice princess?" Natsu growled, glaring at the raven haired boy as he got up off the ground.

"You heard me, Lizard breath," Gray said, smirking at Natsu.

"Is that...fighting I hear?" Erza said, towering over the two boys, a death glare on her face.

"N-nope!" Both of them said, wrapping an arm around each other and hopped around.

"Good," Erza nodded at each of them. She then looked around the airport, trying to find Gildarts. She moved to her left a little bit, to see if he was closer over there, but she ended up bumping into someone, causing her to fall.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that! Here, let me...Erza?" The person said, causing her to look up, seeing none other than...

"Jellal?!?!" Erza screeched, causing people around her to jump.

"Heh, long time no see, Erza. It is nice to see you again," Jellal said, giving a warm smile. He held out his hand for her to grab, which she did without hesitation.

"I...I can't believe it's you," Erza said, still in shock. "Why are you in Tokyo?"

"I got a job here," Jellal said, still smiling at Erza. "I help people who have lost their way, and try to get them back on the right path, or help them to decide what path they want to take."

"That's amazing, Jellal," Erza smiled.

"Thank you. What are you doing here?"

"Field trip."

"Ah," Jellal said as he smiled at the two boys fighting behind them. "Well, have fun with that. Now, I have to go pick up a patient. It was wonderful talking to you again, Erza. I hope we meet again," He said in a soft tone, staring at Erza with a warm glaze, one that melted Erza's heart.

Erza blushed. "Yes, I do as well."

And with that, Jellal disappeared into the crowd. Erza let out a sigh of relief. She put a hand on her heart, which was beating a hundred mile per hour, and tried to calm herself down.

She imagined Jellal's handsome face in her mind, causing her to blush darker than her scarlet hair. She had been in love with him for years, ever since...

Quickly shaking her head, she walked back over to her friends.

Deep down, she couldn't wait in till they meet again.


A/N: Crappy, short chapter.


and more importantly,


sorry, I just love him so much ^_^

Anyways, Again, sorry for the long wait. Like I said, I just needed some time.



Also, I have a concert tonight! I sing in Chorus, and tonight, we're performing. So..


I may have stage fright, but yay.


review or i'll delete all memes

i'm a monster.

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