Thou Shall Be Prepared./

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"Could you maybe move her to the 25th? Great, let me know if they're able to make it work. Mhm. Yeah, Samson's docs were supposed to have been faxed over last week. I don't know what the hell they're doing over there."

I twirled a chunk of noodles onto my fork, staring openly and happily at Carter as he chattered away to Julia, the receptionist at Haven.

"Do you think Dr. Barnes could handle that? I actually have something that requires my attention all day today. Mhm." He glanced over at me, smirked, and turned his attention back to his conversation.

He was so sexy. I mean he was definitely the hottest thing at the hospital, but to see him here, in his natural habitat, was something to behold. He lounged on the couch, legs propped on the coffee table. A mountain of paper sat on the couch to his right, and a mountain of food sat on the left. He just looked.. normal. In all his boyish glory.

As he listened to Julia, he scribbled things down and occasionally leaned forward to enter something into his laptop. His brow furrowed in concentration and he would occasionally stick his tongue out and wet his lips as he worked.

I was enjoying the view.

He insisted I turn the TV on, so MTV was playing in the background, muted every time he picked up his phone. It didn't bother me, I had all the entertainment I needed right in front of me. I sat cross legged on the floor, eating the Chinese Carter had delivered for our lunch.

He had spent most of the morning on his computer. Despite his protests, I cleaned up pretty much every inch of the place. I was going to start lunch, but he insisted on the Chinese.

I didn't want to sit idle. I needed to keep busy. I was already trying to come up with an activity for when I finished my lunch. I wondered how Carter would feel about me rearranging his closet.

"Okay, thanks Julia. Is Paula available?" A pause. "Okay. Have her call me when they're done. Thanks." He ended the call and set his phone down, rubbing his temple.

I frowned. "You've been working all morning. Why don't you take a break?"

He sighed. "I wish I could. I still have so much more to do, though."

"Want me to help?"

I was gifted with a set of dimples. "You're sweet, but no, thank you. I'm just gonna power through. I should be done in another couple of hours." He gestured toward the TV. "Turn it back up."

I rose from the floor, taking my now empty food cartons with me. I gestured to his. "Finished?"

"Not quite."

I nodded, heading towards the kitchen. I tossed the cartons in the trash, feeling Carter's eyes on me. "Can I organize your closet? Or do you have a system going in there?"

"System. Please don't go in my closet."

I pouted. "What about your drawers? I have a sneaking suspicion you just stuff your clothes in there and call it a day."

"System, Nia. Why don't you go out on the patio? Get some fresh air."

I perked an amused eyebrow. "Are you kicking me out?"

"Yes. You're distracting."

I huffed. "Fine." I stuck my tongue out and headed for one of the book shelves on the far wall, pulling out the first book that looked intriguing.

"And put your own clothes on, woman."

"Nope. What's yours is mine, baby." I winked at him, earning a hearty laugh as I pulled the patio door shut behind me.

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