Chapter 26

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The inside of the pack house to help imagine things more clearly^^^

Toby makes a funny face from across the room and I laugh at his behavior. Today I got the privilege of watching the children while Jo take a much-needed break. They are all being so sweet, but I feel like if I weren't Tobias's mate they would not be making it easy for me.

"Dinner time!" Tobias walks in from the kitchen and that ques all of the little munchkin to scurry off to the kitchen.

I relax in my chair and watch the fireplace in front of me. Tobias sits in the chair next to me and we sit in a comfortable silence.

"Shouldn't one of us go watch the kids?"

Tobias smiles and reaches for my hand. "No, Isaac offered to watch them for a bit."

Relief washes over me, "I don't know how she does it." Don't get me wrong, the kids were great, but they still wore me out.

A deep chuckle comes from Tobias and he rubs his thumb over my hand. "Yeah, she's the best. She was practically like a mother to me. She worked for my father, and whenever I wanted to get away she would let me help cook and clean with her. Father found it absurd. He thought I should be more like a man and leave the house chores to the women. But a man should be taking care of the women too. They should be equals in every sense of the world." We stay quiet for a bit, the wood crackling in the distance. "Anyways, Miss Jo was my best friend. And finally, when I was old enough to leave, I couldn't leave without her. She's been here since the beginning, literally."

When he speaks about Miss Jo I can see the pride and love he feels towards her, as if she really was his mother. I can't believe she was that close to him and his family, even after all she was going through she still took Tobias in as her own.

"She is truly an amazing woman." He smiles and agrees. "So, you two ran off together. How did that decision turn into such an amazing pack?"

"Well I'm sure you've heard the term 'Pack of Rouges' used to reference my pack. It's true I suppose. When we left we practically became rogues, so we did the one thing we could think of. Make a pack of people who also wanted to escape their past packs. Not all rogues are criminals. Some left their packs because they were desperate." I think of my family. We were lucky we were accepted by a pack, or else we would've been rogues as well.

"But the problem is us wolves nee a pack or else our wolves go crazy. We try to accept as many wolves as we can, not wanting them to turn into a beast they don't want to be. If we deem them safe to be in our pack, we accept them. Sometimes if a member has already been long without a pack the transition can be tough, but we have a system that almost always works. Since I'm royal blood, the elders took my action as a way of me forfeiting the crown. They thought if they declared my pack a real pack and not just rogues, then they could just hand Alexander the crown."

"But that wasn't your plan." I smile declaring, proud of Tobias's strength and independence.

"No, my brother can't always get everything handed to him on a silver platter. I originally started to fight for the crown so he would have to work at what he wants. But soon I came to realize that my pack deserves more than what we have. Most people still disrespect us thanks to my brother. And after what he did to you I-"

I squeeze his hand, reassuring him that I'm here and safe, hoping to calm down him wolf. "I understand. I'm glad you chose to fight for a better future for your pack. You all deserve it."

"Smelly Belly! Wake up!" If Tobias is going to leave early in the morning he really needs to lock our door. Isaac plops on the bed, making me groan.

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