Chapter Twelve: Goodbye

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Cici's P.O.V.

I rushed home, leaving Yoongi standing in the alley alone. I was crying, and i was overwhelmed. It seems like all i ever have are hard times, why can't my happiness last? Why is it so hard? No matter what i do, something goes wrong, and i can't take it anymore. I was happier when i lived with Eomma, but if i left, i didn't want to be found by Yoongi, and the others. I wanted to be hidden. And that's exactly what i'll do.

I ran inside, and went to my room, locking the door. I pulled my suitcases out from the closet, and began shoving my things in them. My clothes pictures, anything i could fit, and called my Eomma. 

"Yeobosayo?" I got right to it, "Eomma, Remember the emergency money i had you put aside when i had that part-time job through middle school and high school?" She was silent for a second, "Yes, i do...Wae? Do you need it? Are you okay?" I sucked up my tears. "I'll explain later, How much did i save?" i heard shuffling, and a drawer opening, "Well i also added some money from working to it for you so you have about....122,964,347.79 won..." I was shocked.

"Eomma, how much did you put in? I definitely was not making that much." I said in shock. I quickly collected myself and continued packing. That was over 100,000 U.S. Dollars. "I figured that one day you'd want to go back to America, so i put in a lot." She sighed, "That's what this is right? You want to go back?" I sniffled quietly.

"Kind of, Eomma, i'm having a hard time here, and i want to get away for a while, two years at most, and i don't want to be found by unwanted people. Obviously, you Hyung and my friends will know, but i need you guys to keep it a secret. I'm planning on leaving in a week, tops. Mien, Eomma." I heard her sniffle, "Gwenchana Agi, i was prepared for it, i'll make you an account, and transfer the money for you." I thanked her, and talked for a bit longer while i packed.

By the time we were off the phone, it was 4 in the morning, so i went to bed. The next morning, i hid the suitcases, and began writing letters. i didn't want to tell the others in person. I started With Ryo Jin.

 Hyung, Before i start saying anything, i want to tell you, PLEASE, please don't tell BTS where i am. If they ask Say you don't know. 

But I'm safe. I went to America for a while. I won't tell you why, but know that i'm safe. Eomma also knows about it. Eventually i'll send you a message or call you, but don't try to find me. I'll be fine. I want to sincerely thank you for being there for me this past year, even though we had a falling out, you apologized, and became my Hyung again. Saranghae, and i mean it. Please take care of Lee Unnie, and the boys. If you need someone to talk to until i reach out, talk to Eomma, Yoo Mi, Ha Yeon, or Shibal, they all know about my leaving.

Sincerely, Kim Cici.

I sniffled, but wrote the next letter, This one was to Yoo Mi.

Yoo Mi Unnie, Mien, Jinja Mien. 

I know i caused you so much trouble. I wasn't smart, i was clingy, and i annoyed you with my obsession, and now i've left. I have gone back to America. I'm sorry that i wasn't able to let you relax, i just wanted to be around you so often, but i guess you got a break, since we kind of drifted apart after i moved. I'll reach out to you eventually, until then don't look for me, and stay strong. Take care of Shibal, and treat him right. I hate to ask this of you, but please don't tell anyone where i went. If they ask, just say you don't know. I'm so sorry for being cowardly. I can't even tell you why i'm going. But i'll come back, one day. When i'm better. Saranghae.

Sincerely, Kim Cici.

Next i wrote the letter to Ha Yeon Unnie.

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