A Roses thorns-Virgil x reader

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Your p.o.v

Today I'm going to confess to anxiety about my feelings...I'm honestly very worried and scared, what if he rejects me! What if he never wants to talk to me again, NO! Snap yourself out of it y/n. I didn't realize I was mumbling stuff until Patton came over and shook me gently "are you ok kiddo?" He gave me a worried expression, I mentally cursed myself blushing lightly "yeah I'm fine" I looked around seeing Logan and Roman trying to figure out why he was acting so careless then a worried expression appeared on your face "guys where's-" Patton quickly cut you off "ANXIETY, he's not here." He then went on a rant about why Thomas is acting like this so he pulled us all to the Anxiety's room in the mind palace.
We all question where he was then all of a sudden"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN MY ROOM!" anxiety yelled as everyone screamed "YOUR OK!I was so worried!" You exclaimed, anxiety nodded blushing lightly at the fact you we're worried about him"where'd you go " Patton asked and thats when anxiety went on a rant about how he thought he wasn't wanted there, you bit your lip trying to not let any tears spill cause it broke your heart to see anxiety talk down about himself like this and you didn't realize you we're crying until you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around you. You looked up to see anxiety hugging you and you cried harder"Don't talk about yourself like that we all care about you and it hurts me to see you talk about yourself like this because it's not true! I care about you and I would never want you gone because I love you!" It took you a moment to process what you said and blushed a dark scarlet "I-I M-mean u-uh sorry anx-" he cut you off by slamming his lips onto yours, you kiss back and then pull away for air "my name's Virgil and I love you too y/n...will you go out with me" you nodded nuzzling into his chest blush still noticeable on your cheeks, everyone exited the mind palace and you and Virgil happily cuddled the rest of the day.

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