The concert

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"Oh my god just I can't believe we're really here!!" I screamed my brother grabbed my shoulders and shook me
"Sis we're really here come on let's go to our seats"
I smiled as my brother took my hand and lead me to our seats I looked around there where so many girls here I couldn't believe it

"Bub I'm going to the bath room ok"

"Are you sick ash? do we need to go home?" he asked all worried I smiled

"No Bub I'm fine I have to pee" he laughed and I walked to the bathroom; surprisely there was no one in there I smiled and walk to the mirror I look at my self I've gained so much weight and I'm starting to look better; after that a girl came in I went into a stall peed and left back to brother

"Hey the guy said justin was runnin a little late but he's gonna be here"

"Oh ok"

"Are you ok? do you need your meds?"
My brother asked me

"No I'm fine"

"Are you sure ash?"

"Yes Bub I'm fine!"

After I said that the music started to play and all the girls started to scream and shout and jump while I stood there looking waiting for him to show up I couldn't believe finely I would get to see my hero my idol my crush live in person I felt so happy

(Justin's P.O.V)

I stood there behind the stage staring at all the fans

"You ready bro?" I herd Ryan say before he touchs my shoulder

"Yeah man I am let's to this!" I shout and run under the stage to the platform where I come up
I set my headphones right and waited for scotter to tell me when
"5-4-3-2-1 justin go" I herd and I started singing as they rose me up to the stage as I got higher I could see the fans I smiled and sang and waved at them all

"Heyy guys are you having a good time" I asked my fans they all screamed yes
I looked around at all my fans all my girls then one girl she got my eye she was standing just standing there looking at me; she was different and she was going to be my one less lonely girl

(Ashley's P.O.V)

I watched as he waved and sang then asked us of we was having a god time then he stopped and looked at me he looked at me as if I was this most beautiful girl he's ever saw but I highly don't think so

After a few songs the one came I was waiting fr the one less lonely girl song where he picks a random girl to he on stage I hopped it was me!

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