Are You Cereal?

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       It had been two months since Keith's return to Voltron, everyone was glad he was back from his work with the blades. No one was more excited about his return than Lance, he would never admit it but he developed strong feelings for Keith whilst he was away. Lance was purely terrified to tell anyone about his newly found feelings, he knew Keith thought of him as the annoying, dumb, flirt. Whilst everyone was welcoming Keith back Lance decided to go think in his room, he snuck down the castle halls to his room unnoticed.

~*~*~Lance's POV~*~*~

        I wonder to myself about why I had escaped to my room, maybe I was scared or embarrassed to face Keith after knowing how I feel about him. I sigh to myself as I search my mind for an excuse to talk to Keith, he probably thinks I hate him. I don't really know where this whole "rivalry" thing came from.. maybe it was because I always liked him a little even at the Garrison. As my thoughts consumed me I was interrupted by a knock on my door, as I slowly stand to open it, it opens on it's own revealing a figure in an all black outfit. "Is there a reason you didn't say anything to me? Did I do something wrong? I knew we aren't the closest but I don't even get a hello after being gone for so long." Keith sends a glare my way, I reach my arm out to him and try to say something "Kei-" he begins to storms off, once he's reached my door he turns back and says harshly "Hunk says dinner will be ready in 10 minutes." storming out of my room.

~*~*~Keith's POV~*~*~

        I didn't mean to come off so harsh to Lance.. in all honestly I missed Lance the most, sure he pissed me off to no end but.. there's something about that boy. Still wearing my blades uniform I begin to walk to my room to change before dinner, unfortunately that meant I'd have to pass Lance's room again. I turn around and begin walking down the chilly corridor noticing Lance's door was still open, I can hear him mumble something to himself. I try to sneak closer to the room to listen to what he has to say to himself, as I get close enough to hear him the door across the hall opens causing me to jump. The door reveals a small girl silently questioning what I was doing I began to come up with an excuse "Oh uh Pidge I-I was uh jus-" Pidge interrupts me and says loud enough for me to hear and quietly enough to where Lance can't hear "Listening to Lance talk about his mega crush on you?" She smirked as she said it. I was baffled, there was no way Lance could like me, he hated me. Didn't he?

~*~*~Lance's POV~*~*~

         I could hear Keith and the gremlin speaking outside my door, it was odd like they were trying to say something that I wouldn't notice. They are so lost in their conversation they don't notice as I approach the hallway, I hear Keith say confused and with a slight sense of urgency "Are you sure?" I walk past and say with an obvious attitude "Get a room." I could feel both of them look up at me, then their footsteps followed mine to the dining room. When I approached the table I frantically look for a place to sit remembering my usual seat is next to Keith, I quickly take a seat next to Allura and Hunk to their surprise as the midget usually sat there. When Keith and Pidge arrived to the table, Pidge shot me a death glare "That's where I usually sit Lance and you know it, so if you would please move back to where you know you always sit there won't be any problems." I don't look up at her, instead I casually say "You and Keith were busy having your gossip session and I decided that I wanted to sit next to my good friend Hunk and the beautiful Allura."

          Pidge started to shout "LISTEN HERE LANCE I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU'RE PISSED ABOUT THIS TIME JUST GIVE ME MY SEAT OR GOD HELP YOU I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL" She has such a temper for such a small person. Her screaming caused Shiro to walk in examining the situation "Pidge we all know how stubborn and childish Lance is, can you please sit next to Keith and Coran tonight?" The gremlin didn't say a word she simply nodded. I felt furious about so many things, I stand up and simply say "If you'll excuse me I bid you all goodnight" They all stared at me blankly till Pidge says "Do you even know what it means to bid someone goodnight?" Her comment made the room start to fill with laughter. I quickly head to the training deck to relieve some anger.

~*~*~Keith's POV~*~*~

          Lance seemed off tonight, maybe I shouldn't have been so rude to him. I decide that I need to make sure he's ok, but I doubt he'd want to speak to me, so I decide to not spy on him but watch him without his knowledge or permission. I tell the others that I plan to check up on Lance and they agree that its a good idea. I work my way down to the training deck trying to be as quiet as possible so that Lance doesn't hear me. Coming to the training deck I once again hear Lance grumbling whilst practicing his swordsmanship. I hear him angrily say things like "I was right, they think of me as a mindless twit it gives me reason to not confess to Keith, he doesn't care anyways he'll just leave us aga- leave me again for the blade." I feel terrible as I look and see Lance angrily huffing whilst trying to battle the drone. I didn't realize he had cared so much when i went to the blades, I didn't realize he cared at all. I had to talk to him and soon. I heard Lance end the training and as he walked out I acted like I was walking up to check on him. "Hey Lance are you alright?" I said smiling at him, I was confused to see him look at me pissed as all hell as he replies "You don't care Keith now let me go to bed" I was stunned. I didn't know what to say I simply looked down at the ground and went to my room.

            I needed a plan to talk to Lance I didn't know what to do or how to do it. I didn't realize how long I'd been thinking till I pulled out my phone and saw 3:58am I was shook. Running on no sleep I sluggishly made my way down to Lance's room, I didn't know what I'd say or do but fuck it now or never right? I reached his room, opening the door to see him sleeping, I hated thinking it but he was adorable when he was sleeping. I decided to shake the grumpy boy awake, as he noticed me waking him up he tiredly said "Hey mullet man what are you doing waking me up? What time is it? When will you cut that mullet?" He chuckled after he said it yawning I looked down at him and replied "Hello sleeping beauty, It's four in the morning and I'm keeping the mullet." He seemed shocked at what I had just said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Keith" he said softly I blushed a light rose colour. "Yes?" I replied softly "It's four in the god damn morning you better have a good reason for waking me up or I'm cutting that mullet myself." I had expected a cute little confession or something but I guess not. "I do I do don't worry" I grabbed his hand lightly blushing dragging him to the kitchen and sitting him at the counter. He looked at me curiously and said "So... you plan on telling me why I'm here pretty boy?" I froze going a deep red when I heard Lance say "Pretty boy" he noticed my blush and smiled "Cat got your tongue pretty boy?" He emphasized it this time looking down to avoid eye contact I quickly replied "N-no just- I brought you here because I didn't wanna eat cereal alone"

~*~*~Lance's POV~*~*~

I was practically delirious when Keith had decided to drag me to the kitchen at 4:00am, I didn't get upset though because I figured he had good reasons to wake me up so early. I wasn't thinking about my words so I called him pretty boy twice because as I've learned I'm just so smart. When Keith finally choked up his answer as to why he dragged me out here he said it was so he wouldn't eat cereal alone. He dragged me out of my bed and let me embarrass myself to eat some god damn cereal. I look at Keith trying to remain as calm as possible, I guess he hadn't caught on that I'm not a morning person "Are you fucking cereal?" He held back his chuckles when I said that. "You mean to tell me you just woke me up before the sun is up to have some cereal?" he looked at me nodded and laughed. "What's so funny here mullet head?" He laughed harder replying "The sun doesn't ever rise here" Oh my god I sighed to myself. I'm going to kill this boy. I tiredly began to approach him asking him "Why exactly do I need to be here for you to eat cereal?" Keith looked me dead in the eyes and said "No particular reason, just wanted a reason to be with you" He smiled after he said it examining me to see my reaction. I felt my face burn a bright red as I used my hands to cover my face, I could hear Keith walking closer to me when suddenly he pulled my hands down and kissed me. I kissed him back immediately.

~*~*~THE END~*~*~

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