1st requested Chapter

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I G N O R E please just a repost..

One Shots requested by: @LizzieIsKawaii
On August 18, 2018

1st One-Shot: The Angel

Word Count: 2602 words.

Tip: Watch the anime or game play first

Your Name: Y/N
Last Name: L/N
Eye color: E/C
Favorite food: F/F
You are currently 19 years old here.
More information will be provided.

[You] will be replacing Rachel Gardener our main character.

"Satsuriku no Tenshi" also known as "Angel of Death"
An Anime and famous RPG game

Warning: A bit of gore ahead [It is a horror anime and game.]

Zack x Reader --- Isaac Foster first appears as an enemy of the B6 floor when meeting  Y/N  but they decided to have a deal where you will be killed by him once the two of you get out of the building, it it is your only wish since you believe God will not forgive you once you take your own life.

The serial killer named Zack wasn't very smart even though he is a year older than you. You are currently stuck on a random floor, what floor? You weren't sure.

-+-+-+ [Start] +-+-+

[Your Point of View]

Great I am stuck with a psychopath.

"What great luck I have!" I said sarcastically

"Would you mind to shut up!" The bastard said. "Well it's not my fault that a total stranger is trying to kill me in a random building and asking me for help to get out." I spat back to yellow eyed guy. "Tch. It's not my fault that some creepy emotionless doll is asking me to kill her." Unbelievable, I said in my head.

Out of all the people I could get stuck with in a random floor I get to be stuck with him.

I decided to explore while the bastard sleeps.

I saw a rat with a red ribbon tied on its tail so I decided to follow it.

I looked around to see dirt on the white wall with random things written with blood some where 'help me!" And 'this is H E L L' but I just walked passed them not caring. Dripping of water can be heard from the rooms ahead but I didn't bother, life is meaningless, you'll be forgotten sooner or later either way.

I walked to the end of the hall and saw a room clouded with darkness and a dangerous aura coming from it, that rat entered the room so I decided to come in not caring what kind of danger I may face as long as I get out of here.

I swiftly moved my head from left to right, I heard inhuman noises from the shadows, then a glass tube fell. I decided to look further into it, curiousity getting the best of me.

I suddenly heard a loud C L A N G

My head jolted to the direction of it, some kind of dark liquid coming out of a sickly deformed--

"Monster.." I murmured. What could it be? A homunculus? An amalgam? Whatever it is, it's enough to send an adult to the bathroom weeping.

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