Chosen by IT

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It all started with a warning. A glowing red message on her door that read: 'You Have Been Chosen'. But chosen for what? She scoffed it off, thinking that it was a mere prank from one of her housemates. But she soon began to believe otherwise as the messages continued to steadily appear, each one more threatening than the last. Fearing for her safety, and with a sense of dread nagging the back of her mind, she began to believe that this was more than a prank. This was something far worse and far more sinister. *******************************************

I could feel my breath hitch in my throat as I came home to another threatening message inscribed on my door. The bag I was carrying fell to the floor with a clatter as my hands began to shake, my entire body trembling as I read the words... "Nothing Can Save You".

Now I knew this wasn't a prank. They would never take a joke this far... none of them. We all enjoyed a good joke now and again but this? No. They would never make me feel threatened in my own home. Shakily I bent down and scooped up my bag, unlocking the front door with an unsteady hand and an uneasy feeling. I couldn't help but peer over my shoulder before entering my home, almost feeling as though someone was watching me. No one was there.

I pushed open the door and walked inside, setting the slightly battered bag of groceries down on the kitchen table. The majority of the eggs were now broken without a doubt. I sighed and looked down at the counter, a strangled cry escaping my lips as I found myself face to face with another message in red. "I See You."

I spun around quickly, almost tripping over my tail as I moved to look out the large picture window. But again... no one was there. My heart was pounding. What the hell was going on?! I clasped a hand to my chest in a frail effort to slow my breathing, but it only picked up further as I was filled with a sudden overwhelming urge to check all surfaces and doors in my home for any other messages, clues, anything!

I began to tare through the house, my eyes darting around as I scanned every flat surface. Nothing. I collapsed onto my bed, out of breath and emotionally spent, unease haunting my thoughts. I rolled onto my back with a shaky breath, my eyes widening at what I saw. There were more words on the ceiling, several sentences scrawled across the white paint.

"There's No Escape."
"No One Will Hear You."
"Your Screams Are Mine."
"No One Can Save You."
"Don't Fight I.T."

A terrified whimper was caught in my throat as I lay frozen to the spot with fear, reading and re-reading the words over and over again. What was happening? What was all of this about? Was my life in danger? And if so... who wanted to hurt me?

I could feel my eyes stinging slightly as they welled up with tears... I was petrified. I made a move to blink the tears away, closing my eyes for the briefest of moments, and when I opened them again... the words were gone. I sat up straight, scanning the ceiling again and again in bewilderment. It was like they had never existed.

I slowly rose to my feet, stunned as I failed in finding any proof that this had ever happened at all. Was I just seeing things? For the sake of my own sanity, I forced myself to believe just that. I shook my head, moving slowly to the bathroom for a quick bath before bed, hoping the hot water would relieve my stress.

I adjusted the tap, making it a little warmer than usual, before undressing and slipping down into the steamy sudsy water. A sigh left my lips as I gently massaged my forehead, questioning everything that has just happened, as well as my mental state. Had I really just been seeing things?

I dunked my head under the water briefly before coming up for air again, wiping the soap from my eyes. I practically screamed at what I saw next. There were red glowing letters written in the steam of the shower door.
"I Know Your Secrets."

I stared at the letters, frozen in place once again as my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. It was real. Everything that had happened thus far was no illusion or lapse of sanity. Something or someone was after me, out to cause me harm or worse. But... I couldn't help but feel slightly strange about this new message. It was different than all the others, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

I finished bathing quickly, all the while looking over my shoulder and glancing out the corner of my eye. I wrapped a towel tightly around myself, walking towards my room with hesitation. Something in the air didn't feel right. Something was terribly wrong. I closed and locked my door, even going so far as to slide and lock the deadbolt as well.

I kept the towel over myself as I slipped into my nightwear, unable to shake the feeling of eyes upon me. I glanced at the clock. 10:37PM. I knew I had to get some rest, otherwise I would find myself going even more insane. Despite the heavy feeling in the air, I forced myself into bed and I pulled up the covers. I hid beneath them like a child, scared, alone, and unsure of the world.

I forced my eyes shut, concentrating on my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Slower.. slower... even slower still. 'Please... just sleep.' I pleaded with my brain to switch off and allow me to put my worries to rest. Finally, it did just that, and I fell into a deep and unwavering slumber, blissfully unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows around me. The shadows that seemed to whisper my name.

"(Y/N)..." I was suddenly forced awake, anxiety gripping at my soul as the air around me became even heavier, and harder to breathe. It was midnight. With widened eyes I sat up in bed, completely awake and alert, and the sight I was greeted with... it made my blood run cold. Another red message on my bedroom door.

"I'm Here."

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