My New Pet

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The shadows seemed to grow darker, larger, looming overhead and enveloping the corners of my room in darkness. Fear gripped at my soul as a deep chuckle echoed around me, a slow, teasing laugh that made the fur on my tail bristle with unease and anticipation. I looked around wildly, scooting backwards until my back was against the headboard of my bed. "W-who's there? Who are you!?"

My frantic questioning was answered by another chuckle, this one slightly softer than the last... and a voice. One that I had never heard before. "Now now, little one. There's no need to panic. I mean you no harm...~" There was something about his voice that sent chills down my spine, filling my mind many mixed signals. It sounded soothing, gentle, disarming... but at the same time, foreboding, dangerous, and... sinister.

"Y-you... mean you're not here to hurt me? But... the messages! Wait... why can't I see you? Who are you anyway?! W-why are you in my room in the middle of the night!?" My ears flicked back as my emotions bounced between terror and ease, fear and contentment. I was beginning to grow dizzy.

"So you received my little notes then, did you? What a relief. I would have felt quite silly if you hadn't even seen them." He chuckled. "Who am I? Why... I'm Tick~" I watched as a tall figure with bright orange, pink, red, and blue hair stepped from the shadows, hands behind his back as he gazed down at me.

His eyes were a bright golden shade of yellow, flecked with pink. His pupil appeared to be pink as well. He also had what looked to be a red painted claw mark down each each eye, creating a triangular shape above and under his eyelids. 

His attire was unlike anything I had ever seen before. A mixture of soft silk fabric that was ruffled around the collar and waist with feathers from many different kinds of birds. He also had a single red feather that dangled around his neck on a thin golden chain. His pants were three quarter length and they matched his shirt, same material and all. I also noticed that he wasn't really wearing any shoes. Just long stocking-like socks that looked to be very fluffy and comfortable. But to me, his most standout feature was his tail. It was long and slender, splashed in bright neon shades of pink, purple, blue, and red with tiny fluffy barbs lining the entirety of its length. It slowly swayed from left to right, almost hypnotically. I couldn't look away...

He began to snap his fingers in front of my face while kneeling on the floor in front of me, causing me to jump at his sudden closeness. I made a move to scoot backwards in surprise, but I was quickly reminded of the headboard/wall behind me as I bumped into it rather hard. I hissed softly at the pain, my back and head stinging from the jolting impact.

He gave a slight grimace, looking as though he had just bitten into a rotten apple before smirking and arching a brow. "Did I startle you? I'm terribly sorry. Hmhmhm... but you were the one who was staring~" I looked around for any means of escape, still highly unsure of the situation.

"H-how could I not stare? It's the middle of the night! And you're in my house!" I made a move to get a bit closer in a burst of confidence and bravery, hoping I might be able to intimidate him into leaving. But instead ... he simply laughed. "W-what's so funny?! I demand answers! I demand to know what business you have coming into my room uninvited and unannounced! Explain yourself!"

I gasped as his arm quickly darted out, slamming his hand on the board beside my head and more or less pinning me further to the wall. "First of all, I did not arrive unannounced, little (Y/N). I left you many messages that you yourself admitted to seeing, so indeed I made sure my presence was known. Second of all... I was invited, whether you realize it or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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