Chapter 1

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Tom, Zendaya, Jacob, Haz, and Tony were sitting in Tom's trailer on the set of "Spiderman: Far From Home" taking a break. They always spent their breaks together, wether it was in Tom's trailer like today, or someone else's. Jacob, Haz, and Tony were sitting on the three person couch and Tom and Zendaya together on the loveseat. They were watching a movie, as they always did. Today it was "Jurassic World" and it had just gotten to the part where it was about to be a jump scare. By now, everyone had grabbed blankets. Tom and Zendaya were the only people sharing a blanket since they were only two people on a couch versus three. Zendaya was the only one who hadn't seen the movie before so when the jump scare came, she screamed a little and jumped and buried her head in Tom's neck. Everyone was laughing at her except for Tom. He just smiled a little. Tom put his arm around her and she leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep.

About 30 minutes later:

"We're rolling in 5!" Someone shouted from outside the trailer. Jacob and Tony got up and went outside. Tom got a frantic look on his face and Zendaya was still asleep and he didn't want to wake her up but he had to go film a scene. Haz walked over to Tom and whispered kind of loudly, "Hey Tom. You have to go film a scene." "I'm aware of that but I'm kind of stuck here." Tom said sarcastically. "I'll be right back." Haz said as he walked outside. A few minutes later Haz and the director of the movie, Jon Watts walked into the trailer. "Now why can't Tom co-" "See?" Haz pointed to Tom and Zendaya with both hands. Jon started laughing quietly. "Hahaha, ok well um...let's... There's 3 scenes that don't have Tom or Zendaya in them we'll do those now instead of tomorrow and when she wakes up we'll go back to the schedule." Jon explained. Tom gave a relieved smile. "Oh, thanks man." Tom whispered. Jon nodded and walked outside. Haz have Tom 2 thumbs up whall winking and backed away slowly out of the trailer. Tom rolled his eyes at him and made a swatting gesture.

45 minutes later:

Haz ran into the trailer quietly. "They're doing a loud part now. So, if you're still obsessed with keeping her asleep so she'll lean on you longer, you should probably cover her ears." He half shouted half whispered. "What?! N-no I don't!" Tom said. "Dude, it's pretty obvious." Tom blushed and Haz ran back outside. "3,2,1-" Tom quickly covered Zendaya's ears so she wouldn't wake up. That was close. She almost woke up. She's so pretty. Tom thought to himself. He just sat there with his arm around Zendaya, staring at her, with her head on his shoulder and waited.

2 hours later:

Zendaya yawned and adjusted her head on Tom shoulder. She was starting to wake up. She opened her eyes a little and Tom immediately pretended to be asleep. She finally woke up. She pulled the blanket closer to her and then stopped. She made a weird face to herself as she realized she had fallen asleep on Tom. As she was about to sit up, Tom pretending to be asleep wrapped both of his arms all the way around her like she was a teddy bear. Zendaya tried to wiggle away but she realized she didn't want to and gave up. Tom was so tired from being on set all day and from sitting there that he had auctually fallen asleep. Zendaya was still tired so she fell asleep too. They were just sitting there, asleep with Zendaya's head on Tom's chest and Tom's arms wrapped around Zendaya.

A while later:

Haz and Jacob walked in. They were about to tell Tom he had to be on set but they stopped in their tracks when they saw Tom and Zendaya. They kind of smiled and freaked out silently. They both took a picture and walked out of the trailer to go get Jon. They all walked back into the trailer. "What, did Tom fall asleep now too?" Jon said sarcastically. "Oh! Wow, he did!" Jon said, shocked. Alright, I'll go get Robert, maybe he can wake Tom up." They all walked out of the trailer again and in walked Robert Downey Jr. He walked up to Tom, took a picture of the two and said, "Aw, that's cute." He suddenly shook Tom awake, being careful not to wake Zendaya. "Well, I see you got yourself a girlfriend!" He said after Tom was awake. "What? N-no I don't. We-wwe're just friends we were watching a movie and fell asleep that'd all that it is." Tom said akwardly. "Does this (Shows Tom picture of him and Zendaya sleeping.) Look like "just friends" to you?" Rdj said. "Whatever, it doesn't matter right now. We'll talk about this later. What matters is you need to wake her up so we can go film my very important death scene in your movie. "Ok." Tom said rubbing his eyes. "Be out there in 10 minutes." Rdj said walking out of the trailer. Tom smiled at Zendaya. He gently shook her awake. She woke up and sighed, it was a happy sigh. She cuddled up closer to Tom, her head now on his chest. He laughed lightly. Zendaya popped her head up akwardly. "Um..." Zendaya said frantically trying to think of an excuse for that. "We were jist watching a movie and you fell asleep. It's cool. It's not akward or anything." Zendaya's smiled with banding of releif. "Well, it was kind of akward when you fell asleep on me but..." "Oh, shut up." Zendaya said, playfully punching him. Tom stood up and Zendaya stretched out and was now taking up the entire couch. "Do they need me for anymore scenes today?" Zendaya asked. "No. Not until tomorrow." "Okay, I'll just chill in here then." She said as she was flipping through Netflix on Tom's TV. "So, you're good in here?" Tom said as he was covering Zendaya with a blanket. He realized he was covering her with the blanket and stopped. Zendaya just smiled and Tom akwardly said, "Ok, um...well...bye. I have to... go film a scene. I have to go play Robert... as Spiderman... with... me." Zendaya laughed and Tom quickly walked out of the trailer. He shut the trailer door and slammed his back against it. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He said to himself as he was smacking his forehead. He ran over to Robert. "You ready to film this, kid?" He asked. "Yeah!" Tom said.

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