Chapter 2

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Zendaya's P.O.V.- As I woke up, I felt a tingling of happiness. I was thinking about Tom. Last night when he had dropped me off at my hotel, we had a moment, he tried to kiss me. If it weren't for that hotel guy, we would've kissed. I guess that means that Tom likes me too.

A huge grin formed across Zendaya's face as she thought about Tom. She couldn't stop thinking about him so she decided to Face Time him.

"Hey what's up?" Tom said tiredly. "Oh, sorry did I wake you up?" Zendaya said. "No. I'm just tired because Harrison came over at 5:40 this morning!" Tom said making sure Haz could hear him. "Ha ha ha. Why did he come over so early" Harrison dove onto Tom's bed holding a pillow saying, "I was lonely! Also Tom wouldn't text me back so I just came over." "I told you that you can't just come over that early in the morning all the time unless it's an emergency." Tom said. "Well, ya gave me a key so you have to put up with me." Harisson said. Now they were all laughing. "Sorry, Z. Why did you call again?" Tom said. "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast." "Can I come?!" Haz said excitedly. "Well, duh! I need someone to laugh at Tom with!" Zendaya said her and Haz now laughing. "Ha ha, very funny." Tom said sarcastically. "We'd love to come Z." "Cool. Meet me at Benny's in 15?" "Sounds good." They hung up.

Zendaya walked over to her closet. I can't necessarily wear PJs to Benny's. I have to put something on. She thought to herself. She ended up deciding on a cropped white tank top and a pair of black flowy pants.

 She ended up deciding on a cropped white tank top and a pair of black flowy pants

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She looked at the time on her phone, realizing she was running late. She grabbed her keys, put on her sneakers, and ran out the door to her car. After she had gotten to Benny's Tom and Haz were already at a booth waiting for her. She went over and sat down across from Tom and Haz. "Well, you're exactly 2 minutes and 14 seconds late, I'm afraid you've missed your chance." "Yup, the Tarrison ship has left." Tom and Haz said laughing. "Oh, wow. I missed out on the limited time package deal offer!" Zendaya said sarcastically. Tom and Haz gave her a glare. "What would you like to order?" A woman said, walking up to their table. "Pancakes!" "Waffles!" "Eggs and Bacon!" They ordered. "Wait, so you wanted the waffles?" She said pointing to Zendaya. She nodded. "You on the left (Haz) wanted the pancakes, and you on the right (Tom) wanted the eggs and Bacon?" "Yeah." Tom and Haz said at the same time. "Alright your food will be brought to you in about a half an hour." She said, walking away. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Haz said getting up. "Me too. Wait for me!" He said, chasing after Haz to the bathroom. Zendaya was alone now. She decided to look at Instagram on her phone.

After about a minute, a man walked up to the table. "Hey, Baby, miss me?" He said in a deep, scratchy voice. "Trevor?!" Zendaya said in a terrified voice, her eyes growing wide. Trevor was her boyfriend 5 years ago, they broke up and shortly after, he went to jail. Apparently he had got out. "What are you doing here?!" She said, frightened. "I'm here for you." He said, walking towards her. The closer he got to her, the farther she backed away into the booth. She backed all the way into the corner of the booth and he was still getting closer. She tried to crawl away but he grabbed her arm and dragged her on the seat towards himself. Still holding on tightly to her arm, with his other free hand he grabbed her jaw firmly and tried to kiss her. She didn't kiss back. She tried to pull away but he just grabbed her jaw even tighter and slammed her lips into his.

Tom and Haz walked out of the bathroom, laughing. Tom set eyes on Trevor and Zendaya (Not knowing who Trevor was) and stopped laughing. He stared at them for a moment, heartbroken and Haz looked and saw why his Best Friend was so sad and said, "Cone on. Let's go." Pulling his arm out to the car.

Trevor, still kissing Zendaya saw her trying to get Haz and Tom's attention and suddenly released hid hand from her jaw, placed both of his hands tightly around her hips and swung het over his shoulder, still having a good trip on her. She started kicking and screaming so he hit her. They walked out the door of the diner and saw Haz and Tom. "If you don't pretend that this is some cute thing I'm doing because were dating I'll kill your little boyfriend, got it?!" Trevor violently whispered into Zendaya's ear. She nodded shakily.

Tom heard Zendaya's laughing and whipped his head around along with Haz. He saw the man from inside carrying her out to his car. "I really thought she liked me." Tom said, crying and running towards the car. Haz just stared at her.

Zendaya's saw Haz staring at her in disqsut and whal laughing, she gave him a look of terror, a look that said, help! And mouthed, he's taking me!

Haz winked at her and then turned away in disqsut. He ran over to Tom and once they both got in the car, Haz said, "Okay, so... You probably won't believe this but that guy is taking Zendaya's and we need to save her so...-" "Buckle up." Tom said, pushing Jaz down in his seat. "What?" Had said, shocked that Tom believed him. "BUCKLE UP!" Tom said angrily. Trevor's car started and he sped away. Tom followed him closely, not caring if Trevor knew they were following him or not. Trevor tried to lose Tom but he couldn't. Tom sped up and rammed his car into the back of Trevor's truck. Haz was now buckled up and hanging onto both armrests holding on for dear life. Tom rammed into Trevor's car again, sending it into a small ditch. Tom pulled over and ran out of the car. Haz stayed in Tom's car and called 911. Tom ran up to Trevor's window and said, "WHERE IS SHE?!" Trevor laughed in a deep, scratchy, eery voice. Tom punched him once, and then again, and then agai- Trevor grabbed Tom's fist and kicked him in the stomach, stepping out of the car. Tom doubled over but quickly got back up. He punched Trevor in the face and Trevor hot mad. He went up to Tom and punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach, making Tom double over again. He went behind Tom and pushed his face down on the asphalt with his foot, scraping it up.

Zendaya watched from the window of Trevor's van, terrified. Haz finished his call to 911 and sneekily ran around the back of Tom's car and over to Trevor's van. Whall Tom and Trevor were fighting, Haz opened the door and got in the van. Trevor had duct taped her hands and ankles together so she couldn't escape. Haz pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and cut her free. He grabbed her arm gently and led her out of the van.

Trevor picked up Tom and threw him away from himself.

*A/n: "Is this your king?" (In Killmonger voice) Tom Fandom: YAAAAAAAS he is!!!*

Tom layed there for a moment. He weakly got back up and crawled towards Trevor as he was walking towards Haz and Zendaya. Tom realized he wouldn't get there in time and tried to stand up. But he fell back down on the ground and screamed in pain. Tom looked over at Haz and Zendaya, crying as Trevor pulled out a knife.

Haz and Zendaya were watching Tom and Trevor fight, hiding by Trevor's van, where they thought it was safe. APPARENTLY it wasn't. Tom was on the ground, bloody and broken and Trevor was walking towards them with a knife. Trevor got to them and tried to stab Haz in the arm but he missed. "Zendaya, go help Tom. I'll hold him off." Haz said. "Are you sure?" Zendaya said whall Haz was dodging stabs from Trevor. "Yes! He needs you. Go!" Zendaya ran over to Tom to help him. Trevor started to walk towards Zendaya and Tom. Haz grabbed Trevor's leg, making him fall. Trevor got up quickly and whipped around. He grabbed Haz's arm and made a deep gash in it. Haz grabbed his arm and fell back, screaming. Trevor started walking towards Zendaya and Tom, who was still unable to move. Zendaya was sitting by Tom calling 911, trying to keep his eyes off of Trevor. As Trevor tried to stab Zendaya, he missed, he was distracted by an ambulance and 2 police cars driving up. Two police officers jumped out of each car and surrounded Trevor from 4 different angles. "Drop your weapon and put your hands up!" The officers yelled, pointing their guns at Trevor. Trevor dropped his knife and a two of the police officers put handcuffs on him and put him in a squad car. "Were taking you in for questioning." They said and drove away. Now there was only an ambulance and 2 officers left. The paramedics ran towards Tom, put him on a stretcher, and loaded him into the ambulance. Haz had lost a lot of blood, having a deep gash in his arm, and slashes across his wrist, forehead, and leg. The paramedics were about to close the ambulance door and then Zendaya said, "That about Haz?" And pointed at him. One of the paramedics hopped out, handed him to Zendaya, closed the doors, and got in the seat next to Tom putting an oxygen mask on his face and checking his heart rate. Zendaya layed Haz down on the seat next to her and layed his head on her lap.

*A/N: I hope you liked it! I will make another chapter leaving off right here soon. I promise! Also should Haz and Zendaya be together because Haz likes her and she doesn't think that Tom likes her back or should they Just be friends and have Tomdaya happen now? Comment and tell me!

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