Chapter 7- House guest

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Juvias POV

"What's up Juvia-Chan?" Levy asks

"Well Juvia has a crush on Ly- on someone and she wants to tell them but Juvia doesn't know how to tell that special person."

Levy smiles "Juvia-Chan do you have a crush on one of the royal princes?" She had a scary smirk on.

"N-No why would you think that!" She was right and I could tell I was blushing like crazy.

"Hmm let me guess, Prince Gray!!" She shouts, I start to blush wrong prince.

"It totally is isn't it! I mean he's so sweet and handsome, and I totally heard that he was blushing all crazy when you left the room to change." She squealed.

"H-He did?" Shocked I couldn't help myself from blushing.

"Maybe you should give this "special" person a romantic love letter."

"Yeah maybe, uh Levy-San Juvia has to go." I start rushing out the library to my room.

All servants have there own personalized room.

Maybe Juvia is falling for the wrong prince.

After a lot of mess ups and pencil breaking, Juvia has finished her letter for Gray-sama.

I know he won't read it until tonight because Gray-sama has a special house guest coming over, maybe he'll feel the same way.

I stop in front of his door and knock three times no answer. I slowly twist the door knob, letting myself in and neatly place my pink envelope on Gray-samas bed.

Lyons POV

After Natsu and Grays fight they went into another room to talk, curious of who Gray has his eyes on. I put my ear on the door that Natsu and Gary were in.

"The royal princess lost the bet now fess up."

"Ugh fine!" Gray shouted he sounded annoyed.

"I have a crush on....thelocksermaid!" His words were all jumbled together at the end and I couldn't hear clearly.


"The locker maid!" Gray shouted

Shocked, I didn't see that coming I thought it'd be the princess girl coming over. I ran to my room mad and confused of what to do.

I can't let Gray have her.

Juvias POV

ding dong

That must be Gray-samas guest, I run across the room to answer the door. There stands in the doorway a young woman, she has brown eyes that were just gorgeous and her hair was in a bun, her hand band was dark pink with ruffles she had diamond earrings. She was wearing an elegant ball gown which was stunning. It was the same color as her head band with a white bow across the bottom layer and lace in the edge of her cloths, she was truly a princess.

"Welcome miss." I say and bow.

"Lucy heartfila." She said she had a beautiful smile.

I guide her to the living room which I had already prepared 14 perfectly cut sandwiches and two tea cups for her and Gray-sama.

A girl with the same maids outfit as me walked behind Lucy-San. She has short pink hair and blue eyes, she must be Lucy's personal maid.

"Juvia will go fetch Gray-sama." I say as I start to walk away, Gray-sama should be in the game room with Natsu-kun.

"Oh wait Juvia." Lucy called me


"What was your last name?"

"Lockser." I say smiling as I walk away looking for Gray-sama.

"Fire kick!"

"Oh yeah? Ice punch!"

I heard shouting from the game room. I knock on the door first, it's a rule for all servants to knock before entering a room. Knock then wait for a response.

"Come in!" Gray shouted

I open the door to see Gray-sama and Natsu-kun playing a console game, I've never played a consoled game so I don't know what there playing. I just know it's PVP ( player versus player) Gray-sama was an ice guy and Natsu-kun was some fire dude.

"Um Gray-sama, Lucy-San is here."

Gray-sama pauses the game and stands up and me and him silently walk to where Lucy-San and her maid were waiting.

Gray-sama sat across from Lucy, I sat next to him and the maid with the pink hair sat next to Lucy-San. From what I've heard between there conversion, Gray-sama and Lucy-San are childhood friends ever since they could talk, they talked about what they've been doing lately and there plans for the future. Lucy lives across the country of fiore, that's why they don't talk as much. Lucy-San was a princess.

"Oh my Juvia is terribly sorry Gray-sama, were out of sandwiches. Let me go make more." I stand up and pick up the empty plate but before I can go tot the kitchen a hand grabs me to stop me.

"Juvia I'm not helpless, I'll go make us some more." Gray said, he was so caring towards me. I guess I'm falling for the right prince.

"Well in that case, Virgo will you help Gray with the sandwiches?" Lucy said facing towards the girl with pink hair.

She stands up and bows to Lucy "As you wish princess."

"So Lucy-San tell Juvia what Gray-sama was like as a little boy."

"Shut up." She said

"Juvia is sorry, what?"

"Who do you think you are!"

"Juvia is sorry, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb lockser, I see the way you look at Gray and that makes it obvious it was you!"


There in her hand was my pink envelope for Gray-sama.

"Listen lockser I'm only gonna say this once! Gray is in love with me, I don't know if you were paying attention but I'm a royal princess while your just a servant they found off the street. He'd never fall in love with you! I suggest you keep your dirty mouth shut about this silly crush, or I'll crush you, understood?"

I nod my head in agreement holding back my tears, she crumbled my letter and threw it in the trash can next to the table.

"My mother plans on setting up an arranged marriage in a couple weeks and I don't need you messing with his head."

I felt crushed, destroyed. Like this girl sitting In front of me tore my heart out and stepped on it. I held in my tears, I couldn't breathe.

"So I hope you guys like tuna!" It was Gray setting down the plate of neatly made sandwiches on the table.

"Hey Juvia what's wrong? Do you not like tuna or something?" Gray asked, he was so caring.

I look up at Gray with a smile "sorry for making you worried, Juvia is fine it's just I need rest, tired from working that's all."

"Well hey let me walk you to your room." He offered

"No Gray-sama it's fine, I'm not helpless." I stand up and bow to Lucy " it was an honor to meet you."

I quickly run to the stairs and as soon as my feet meet the first couple steps, I can feel my eyes dripping with tears. Before I get to my room I bump into Lyon-sama.

"My apologizes Lyon-sama." I say bowing and wiping my tears from eyes so he doesn't see I was crying. I run to my room and as I close the door it all comes poring out from me like a water fall. I look through my closet to change for bed, the clock says 8:30. This pain I'm feeling it's terrible, the tears just keep on coming and I can't stop it, Gray-sama will never love me....

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