Chapter 25 |

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Jungkook did exactly what he was told and started writing about his love for his hyungs...... he was trying to edit the lyrics and then go to his bang pd it pdogg for the composing of the song. Jungkook was also now in and out hanging even more with his 97 line and this was really annoying the Hyungs a lot which made them start acting a bit cold with them Jungkook didn't know why but he senses it was stress. Mainly Jungkook at times would give the excuse of going out with his friends when really he was out by himself trying to write, but today he wanted to have fun with them but the others were stressed tired and annoyed.

"Hey hyungs it's been a while and you know we are all working really hard on the upcoming album, but do you guys wanna go out to dinner or karaoke? It's been long!" He whines a bit but saying it cute and politely. "No thanks jungkook! Maybe you should go out with ur other friends...." Jin answers a bit bitterly which confuses Jungkook why on why they keep acting cold. "But I don't want to go with them! I want to be with you guys come on we all deserve it!"He tríes once more but the others aren't having it.

"No jungkook! We said we don't want too alright?! Is that hard to understand? What's wrong with going with your 97 line that's all you seem to do and ignore us!" Now it's tae who answers bitterly and a bit more bold than Jin. The othesr stay silent not wanting to say anything or talk to the younger.

"What do you mean I ignore you guys? I'm not the one ignoring you guys are? Plus I always ask you guys first since your my Hyungs if you guys are comfortable enough for me to go! So what's all this shit about!" Jungkook asks starting to feel irritated "Because you never make time for us! Your always with them! We have nothing against them but you! Your always with them it's like we never exist to you! It's like you don't care!" Tae now yells and other starts to bud in causing an arguement and other start yelling things to Jungkook some with having to be about the topic and some that don't.

" What's the problem with me hanging out with them! You guys have other idols friends as well! You all go and spend time with them so what the big shitty problem if I do it! I don't see how this is fair?! I don't yell at you guys do going out in fact your the ones who told me to try and make friends 2 and half years ago!" Jungkook is now yelling feel angry and somewhat sad that his hyungs are thinking this way of him.

"Yea, but we don't go around being with them 24/7 do you even care anymore about us Jungkook?! Do you even like to spend time?! Why does the sudden I wanna hang out come to you?! It's like we don't exist it's like we are just your entrainment when they are busy!" One yells shocking jungkook and looking down.

"I cant fucking believe you guys are thinking that I feel this way or this is what I'm trying to do when I'm not! It's so painful know you guys think this low of me!! Let me get one thing straight! I wanted to hang with you guys tonight! To spend time with you all as a group and have fun! I wanted to show you something I didn't show my liners! But now with all this bullshit your throwing at me I don't want too! I find this all unfair! Who said I stopped caring and loving you guys?! No one but your own minds! You know what fine let's not go out assholes!" Jungkook leaves to his room slamming the door shut and crying to himself a bit making the other ones feel angry but also deep down inside they are staring to feel guilty.

Deep down Jungkook also thinks it his fault for not being with his hyungs so much lately.... and then acting cold was really starting to hurt his feelings now that he analyzes everything.......he looks at his lyrics puts them down sighs and let's a tear slide down again dropping onto the papers. It hurt him to know that they thought this way but it's all hurt him when they started insulting him. This made Jungkook look at a photo of the seven of them and start crying letting it all out. Jimin was passing by and heard him cry, he wanted to apologize and check on the younger but he knew that the younger needed to vent out his feelings. Jimin frowned looked down and walked tohis room with hobi.

The members passed by his room each going and heard silent cries this broke the members heart. They screwed up......each went to its dorm and gave a big sigh. They rarely hear Jungkook cry or see him cry so this is new towards them in some way. The last time they cried was when all vent out their feelings or anxieties.

Jungkook May act tough and at times won't care what people say but he also has feelings and at some point you will get them hurt. He is a human being after all......and like everyone else he feels emotions..... and right now sadness was what everyone felt.

Jungkook cried himself to sleep in that he had a dream on how he first met BTS

( this was already written but if you wanna remember how they met this was how and it was on Jungkook POV at that time)

I came in and see 6 members jin and the others one is small but looks somewhat tough which I'm guessing is suga then I see the leader who I admire from the group which is rap Monster ( yes I know it's RM now but pretend we the story takes place in 2014). I see a smiling good vibe guy which I'm guessing is jhope then I see jimin who has black hair and finally V. They don't notice me but first sung deok introduces me to my fellow backup mates who seem to be nice and now to the members which I'm nervous about.

"Alright guys this is ur new backup dancer Jeon jungkook he's 16 years old so he is kinda young but he catches quick and dances amazing! Jungkook I'm sure you know them this is Bangtan!" he smiles as they all look at me smiling as I bow. "Hello nice to meet you all I am a fan of your music and I hope we can all get along!"'I say then give my smile.

"Aww he really is cute hyung! Hello I'm Park jimin your form buscan? I can tell by your accent I'm also from Busan I'm two years older nice meeting u jungkook ssi!'says jimin with a huge smile. Did I hear him right? Did he say I was cute? Did Jin really talk about me? Of course they would it the newbie.

"Hello I'm suga but please call yoongi! Nice meeting you jungkook and don't worry we will ok!"says the pale small one.

"Hello I'm Kim namjoon also known as Rap mon your very young huh? Nice meeting you!"he says bowing this goes on with all the other members as well.

He then has another dream of when he was singing karaoke with them and singing dancing blowing having fun in general. While the younger was asleep he made a smile because of the dreams.....hoping it to all soon be ok.

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