chapter 2- Shiro's turn

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He got back about one minute later with a big smile and a clean face "alright my turn." he said sitting down. "Daredevil, daredevil I dare you to do something daredevils never do. I pick YOU!" He landed on shiro "God damn it, I have no idea what to do for Shiro. Anyone have any ideas?" Hunk said with a saddened expression.
Allura put her hand up, hunk nodded in her direction. Allura turned to Shiro "I dare you to find coran and tell him I am giving birth and don't tell him other wise till you find me, I want to see his reaction."
shiro chuckled "what!"
Allura just smiled "go on you have to do it."
Shiro rolled his eyes and got up 'I can't believe I am doing this.' he walked sluggishly out the door. everyone suddenly burst out laughing at the thought of Coran's reaction.

after about two minute of searching he heard coran from around the corner. he was laughing and saying things like "I remember this!" and "ah yes, that was a good time." he ran loudly on the spot for a couple of seconds to make it seem like he was running down the corridor, then he turned the corner. "Coran, Coran come quick Allura is giving birth!" he said quite dramatically.
Coran quickly turned but looked confused "what, since when is Allura pregnant?"
Shiro kept in character "for like nine months, come on you knew this." Shiro ran down the corridor dragging Coran with him trying not to laugh as Coran was asking a lot of questions like "when did this happen?" "where am I?" "what year is it?" "WAIT, who's the father?"
by the time they had reached the room Coran was freaking out, but when the door opened everyone was on the floor with laughter. this confused Coran even more "what's going on?" Coran asked.
Allura sat up and tried to stop laughing "Sorry Coran, I am not giving birth. It was just a dare."
Coran was more confused than ever "A what?"
Allura tried to explain what a dare was and did a pretty good job. "a dare is something a person tells someone to do and they have to do it." everyone had stopped laughing and was nodding in agreement. Shiro sat back down. Coran was trying to process everything "so that means Allura's not pregnant, I haven't been taken to this other reality and I am not going crazy?"
pidge straightened her glasses "precisely."
Coran started to snigger "wow, that's pretty funny. can I play too?"
Pidge gestured towards a seat which Coran then went and sat in.
Shiro cleared his throat "my turn! and this time I am using my double card." he said with a smirk.
everyone looked exited except Allura and Coran. Allura tilted her head "what does that do?"
Lance piped up "it's when instead of only one person can do the dare two people have to do them, also instead of the designated amount of time allowed for the dare, which is normally until the game ends, the dare can last for up to a week. I love the double card, you have so many more choices for the dare!" Lance said enthusiastically. Allura and Coran nodded to show they got it.
Shiro leaned forward in his chair "Daredevil, daredevil I dare you to do something daredevils never do. I pick YOU!" It landed on Lance who looked disappointed as it isn't as fun when your dare could possibly be ten times worse than normal.

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