Chapter 11

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"You ready?"

"Nope." Somehow you had ended up on top of one of the wind catchers. Well. Not somehow. More like SOMEONE freaking suited up Baymax and carried you precariously to the top of one of these energy catching color things despite your yells of protest.

"I'm not jumping off this height. I could die! DIE, HIRO!!!" Hiro smirks at you, "then, I guess I'll have to push you off." He grabs your hand and leans backwards off the wind catcher, you're pulled off with him and he laughs at your angry yells and cursing towards him.

"JUST TRY YOUR WINGS AND THRUSTERS." He yells over the wind. You scream, "THRUSTERS!!!!!!" Your wings open up and you shoot up. Your thrusters adding to the fly upwards. You smile. Then giggle. Then, laugh at how you survived that. You try to turn using your wings and tail and shoot forwards, then left, right, up down, backwards, until most of your fuel was used up and you had mastered flying. You fly back to the wind catcher and spot Hiro talking worriedly on the comm. He looks at you and flashes you a weak smile. You land on the shiny surface.

"What's happening?" He looks at you grimly.

"The Red Lady attacked again. We should head back."

You nod. The fun day ending with bad news. You fly back with Hiro and Baymax.

"Usually Baymax could scan her, but it seems like her costume is made of some material so that Baymax can't scan her properly to track her. I wish I knew why she was targeting you."

"Well. We know that she knows me, so she must've gone to my old school. She's also using large, hybrid dogs, so it has to be someone smart enough to create a serum that make dogs that are as big as me. Unless they were supplied by someone else. Then, screw the first idea." You and Hiro discuss about who's attacking you, and you both somehow end up on the topic of how you got your scars.

"I'm not telling you, Hiro." You angrily shove your suit into a space in your backpack, frustrated with Hiro's nagging question.

"Come on. Please?" He gives you puppy dog eyes. He keeps asking you the question, and when you reach your shared room, you snap.

"FINE. You wanna know how I got my face mutilated?" You angrily shove the hair blocking the scars behind your ear, "I was leaving school when Janya grabbed my backpack and pulled me backwards. She and Alice spat at me, and I talked back at them. This made Alice angry, so she pulled a prank. She let her dog jump on me with the leash on. It's too bad the dog broke loose and actually attacked me. I can still remember the claws digging into my flesh and it's teeth biting through my eye." Hiro looks at you shocked. You bitterly laugh, "go ahead laugh. Call me a monster. I'm used to it."

Hiro does nothing.

"I SAID DO IT!!!!" You scream at him and collapse onto the floor a sobbing mess. He comes over sits on his legs in front of you. He gently grabs you and hugs you tightly. You can't do anything but sit there. So you hug him back. You hear the door open and the click of the camera and the door closing, but you don't care. All you could focus on was the boy in front of you hugging you even though you were a monster. He ends the comforting hug too soon for you. He looks at you and caresses your face. The scarred part of your face.

"Kayda Heart. You are and never will be a monster. Ever. I can't say I love you yet because we're still young, but I can promise you I like you very very much and I would like you to be my girlfriend." He says dead serious. You can't answer in words, so you just hug him again. He pulls away after a few moments. "I'll take that as a yes." You both cuddle for most of the night. Not wanting to leave each other you both sleep in the same bed and snuggle next to each other. And by god. That was probably the best sleep you had ever had since the accident.

Time Skip to next week

"...these murders are getting worse and worse. Today, the police found 5 dead bodies today. All ripped to shreds by large dogs. This Big Hero 6 now 7 has not yet stopped these atrocious murders, and we're starting to doubt that they can do their job. We'll be right back after a commercial break." You sigh and turn back to your friends. This time, hair safely tucked behind your ear. The past week, you had opened up to everyone else about your scars and they had accepted you with open arms.

"Who do you think this serial killer is Kayda?" GoGo asks. You shrug, not knowing yourself.

"What're we going to do?" Wasabi asks. They talk amongst themselves while you stare out the lunch window, munching away on your lunch. You spot red and very familiar, large dogs.

"Uh, guys?" You tug on Hiro's sleeve. They look at you. "What?" You point at the Red Lady. They all scramble to trash their lunches and rush to get their suits. But you seemed to be frozen. Only when you see the lady point at you and the 6 dogs with her surge forward, and you snap out of your trance, scream, and run for your suit in your backpack. This grabs everyone's attention, who also start screaming when the dogs crash through the window barking and growling. You quickly get into your suit, the screen protecting your eyes slide over your face completely and show where everybody is right now. You take your plasma gun from it's holster and bring it up to shoot the dogs. You hear from the comm, "Everyone meet outside the school. Especially you, Little Dragon, they're targeting you and we need to bring the dogs away from the school."

You talk into the speaker, "okay!" You unfurl the wings and your thrusters turn on shoot you through the glass window, your suit protecting your body from the glass.

"I'm outside and heading toward Cajun Street. Meet me there!" You hear okays as you distract the dogs and lure them towards Cajun Street. You see the gang ready to capture the dogs. What? You're not going to kill dogs. Savage or not; they're still dogs. You talk into the comm. "Get ready!" You reach the team and fly into the middle of the group. The snarling dogs run towards you all and you all run towards them ready to distract and knock unconscious. Then, they freeze. You all freeze too. The Red Lady has arrived.

"Oh, Kayda. Kayda. Kayda. You think everyone still likes you with your horrendous scars? I thought I taught you better than that." She makes a fake pouty face and then resumes to have a emotionless face. Hiro makes an almost animalistic sound in his throat before shouting at her, "Kayda is beautiful. No matter what you say! She is more beautiful and smarter that you'll ever be!"

"Hiro's right! Kayda's our friend!" GoGo says. Everyone chimes in with something to say, and they stand next to you. Your eye well up with tears, and you fight to stop them from leaking.

"Awwww. That's cute. Sorry to ruin the moment, but I want to kill Kayda." She flicks her wrist and the dogs surge forward. You fly up into the air.

You fight with Fred and you're trying to get a circle of flames around the dog by driving the dog with the plasma gun and Fred shooting fire. When the dog is trapped in a circle of fire, you tell Fred to go help Wasabi. You see the Red Lady unprotected from in the air.

"The lady's unprotected! I'm going in!"

"What? No!" Hiro protests, but it's too late. You go in, but she sees you and whistles for the dogs. One dog rams into your side and you fall down a few feet, landing with a hard thud. Then, you see a white smoke everywhere. You're about to speak into the comm and get up when the Red Lady appears and kicks off the helmet. She then proceeds to kick you in the head, and you black out.

Scars of the Past (Hiro X OC)Where stories live. Discover now