Chapter 9: Perform as One Not Two

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If you could see the smoke coming out of me ears right now you would probably be scared because I'm seriously pissed.

"This is what I mean! You say I'm full of myself for saying I think I won, but when I say the same exact thing about you it isn't true apparently. God you are such a hypocrite!" This is starting to aggravate me now.

"Hey guys." Kennedy tries to jump in again but I stop her.

"Not now Kennedy." I'm yelling now at everyone who talks to me.

"Wow you don't have to yell at Kennedy Rae." Is he really doing this.

"You just yelled at her about a minute ago!"

"I didn't yell at her I just told her not right now." He's not serious, ugh!

"GUYS!" Kennedy gets loud shouting and stopping our bickering.

"WHAT!" Jackson and I both turn to the now frightened Kennedy.

"Dear god you both won. You sound like an old married couple." Us a married couple, Kennedy must be mistaken.

"No we don't. Hey don't repeat me. Stop it! Ugh I can't deal with you anymore. Me, no I can't deal with you. No YOU!" Jackson and I start to repeat each other and can't stop. Ugh the feelings I had before are now long gone and I feel this weird burning sensation in me, or is it on my back. I don't know anymore. All I know is I'm mad.

"Oh my god SHUT UP! Geez Kennedy is right for once now you guys are like twins. And I know how that feels." And now Jessie is trying to stop us again.

"Hey!" Kennedy is now getting all defensive, what happened to the dance battle?

"No offense Kennedy, but you know what I mean." Jessie trying to be right like always.

"I guess." There's Kennedy giving up because she knows she can't beat Jessie in an argument.

"You're all acting like little kids right now." We all turn to see Miss. Fields in the back of the auditorium.

"Umm, how long have you been there?" I answer for all of us because everyone else is too shocked to say anything.

"Long enough Miss. Madison to see the performances and hear you all argue. Now I've dealt with things like this before where two amazing talented people like you two try to see who's more talented and it has led to failure."

"Wait you think we are amazing and talented?" Of course just like me I don't listen to anything else except the compliment. Maybe I am a little full of myself.

"Yes Miss. Madison, today in class you showed me something I haven't seen in awhile. But what I just saw disappointed me a little. You both did amazing, but let your feelings of wanting to win take over you."

"Thank you. And sorry." Jackson and I say in unison.

"No need to apologize but I know it seems like you guys hate each other right now, but the only way to get dancing like that is to have a strong bond or chemistry like that between the two dancers. You just need to let that bond take control instead of allowing your feelings of wanting to win take over your thoughts."

"Wait what? Umm, we just met." Jackson starts to get defensive. I completely understand though, Miss. Fields makes it seem like we're going to fall in love because of our good bond and apparent chemistry when we dance together.

"I know Mr. Walker, but it doesn't seem like it with the way you two dance. It's like you two have something, I don't know what it is, maybe just pure talent, but Its something where you both go off each other and dance as one not as two."

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