Chapter 24: Now or Never

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Taking a deep breath, it's now or never as I grab the knife's handle and do a turn out from the guy. When I turn out I take the knife that slipped from his hand and stab it into his side. He falls down to the ground yelling and holding his side in pain. When I grabbed the knife handle I had also grabbed the gun from his pocket. You could have blinked and it would have been over from how fast everything went down. When I stabbed him I turned around shooting each of the guys behind me in the hand. They all drop their guns which gives time to get everyone away.

"Run!" I yell to them. Everyone runs and when we are far enough away I hear a scream. I turn around and see two men grab Jessie and Kennedy. Note to self, heels are definitely not good for running away from situations like this.

"Rae don't." I turn around and Jackson's looking at me with a hand on my right shoulder.

"I have to, it's my fault they have them and I can't let them die." I answer and start to head back towards them but he grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

"What about you Rae, they want you for some reason and I could never forgive myself for you going to save them and end up killing yourself." I look at him and he is scared, and sincere.

I can do only one thing to save us all. I know I will regret it, but it's the only thing I can do, "I'm sorry it has to happen this way." I break free of him and walk towards the guys. Separating from Jackson causes this pain in my back, but I have to do this. I yell at them to get their attention, "Hey!" They all face me. "Fight me like real men and stop hiding behind your weapons and use the weapons that were given to you." I felt it from the beginning, they're all Dark elementals. Some are confused, but most knew what I meant. The guy that had been holding Jessie before speaks first.

"Fine, let's have some fun and see what you can really do. You two hold them." He points towards two guys who grabs Jessie and Kennedy and holds them tight.

He has a sick grin on his face and holds up his hand. When he does a ball of darkness forms. I feel everyone behind me become tense.

Let's have some fun and see how many buttons I can push. Sometimes pushing them will make them to angry and distracted giving me the upper hand in taking them down. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to throw it?"

He's already mad and my attitude is causing him to fume, "Looks like someone's wishing for a death wish."

"Yeah I am, but for you instead of me." At that he throws it at me and I do a back flip right before it hits me so I completely miss it. He keeps throwing them one after another, but I always dodge them, weaving and bobbing. It was almost like a snowball fight, but instead of snow it's elementals being thrown at a very fast pace. I don't know exactly how I learned to do this, but it must of been in my past. Even if I can't remember my past my body still remembers and can react instantly. He's furious at this point and can't take it anymore finally yelling,

"That's enough!" He throws one so big it surrounds my body from my shoulders to my knees. "Look who's trapped now." He thinks he won and I even thought it, I try to escape, but his grip is too strong as I fall to my knees wrapped in darkness. It's like a huge fist is wrapped around me squeezing tight until I explode and die. The only way is to break through is by using the same elemental I'm trapped in.

I don't want it to happen this way, but it's all I can do. I use my Dark elemental to break free. The darkness is so big it takes a second for everyone to realize what just happened which gives me enough time to finish this. I run at him. When I make it to him is when the fighting starts, by this time the darkness has disappeared and everyone can see what's going on. I throw a few balls of Light and dodge some of his balls of Dark. This is dragging on and I have to finish this soon before anyone gets hurt. I dodge a ball of darkness then run at him. I kick up hitting him in the face. He grabs my ankle and throws me down. I jump back up only to get a punch in the face sending me back down. I roll onto my back and kick him in his hand coming at my stomach. That gives me time to get up and push him back into everyone else.

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