Chapter 20

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Rachel's eyes flicker open, the world dark and hazy as her eyes slowly adjust. The first thing she notices is a fire flickering a few feet ahead of her as she lays on the ground. The second thing, is that her hands are tied behind her back.

She sees a pair of dirty, tattered boots in front of her, a tall, looming figure sitting on a log, quietly sharpening a large knife.

"Oh, it's you." Rachel frowns, still laying on her side.

"You are awake," Beta says.

"No shit, Sherlock." Rachel pushes herself up with her elbow, crossing her legs in the process as she takes in her surroundings. Whisperers roam around without their skins, most of them occupied with organising what little weapons they have. A group of about six males stare at her, unsure of her presence. "The fuck are you looking at?"

"Do not bait them," Beta warns her, his eyes not leaving the knife in his hand. "I am the only thing between you and them, and they have taken a liking to you. It is most likely the way you dress," he snorts, glancing at her skirt. "They would make quick work of overpowering you."

"I'd like to see them try," Rachel sneers as she watches the men turn away sheepishly. "Anyway. Why are you between me and them?"

"You are not one of us. You cling to the old ways. Alpha would not have allowed them to have you if she were here, so i will honour her."

"Why am i here?" Rachel questions.

"Negan took Alpha from us. He must pay. What better way than to take from him the only thing that he loves."

Rachel furrows her brows. "Negan doesn't love me."

"Yes he does. I saw you both out in the woods. If he was just after one thing, then he wouldn't have made love to you like he did," Beta says nonchalantly.

"Wait, you were watching us?!"

"I took no joy from it, except the joy of knowing that he had a weakness. He will pay for taking Alpha from us. Alpha was strong, she knew how this world was, how it truly was."

"That's just bullshit. Alpha wasn't strong. You know why?" Beta continues sharpening his knife, appearing indifferent to her question. "Since the world turned to shit, i've met a lot of people who were cold like she was. But she was worse, because she wasn't really that cold at all. Maybe if she'd been a complete robot, then i'd be inclined to agree she was strong, but she wasn't. Alpha felt the gravity of what she was doing here, she shed tears for her own daughter, but she let these barbarians have her anyway, because she was weak!"

"That is enough," Beta almost growls.

"It's the truth, and you know it. Alpha was nothing more than a glorified enabler."

Beta leans forward before she has the chance to get out another word, drawing his hand back and knocking her onto her side as he connects with her face. Her ear rings, and her mouth tastes like pennies, no doubt from biting her tongue on the way down. Beta grabs the collar of her plaid shirt, bringing her face level with his.

"Do, not, bait, me! Remember, i am the only thing between you, and them! You can act as tough as you want, but you would not last five minutes if i let them have you! And i will throw you to them if you continue to irritate me! Do you understand?"

Rachel clenches her jaw, staring into his dark eyes, his face cold as ice behind his death mask. She spits, specks of blood splattering against his face.

Beta smirks. "I will take that as a yes." He lets go of her collar, Rachel dropping down on her ass.

"So what's your plan? You just going to kill me? Cut off my head and send it to Negan?"

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