Chapter 11

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Heyy you guys! Sorry sorry SORRY I haven't uploaded in like FOREVER! but... like... my signal has been crap so I haven't been able to transfer from a word document onto here before the cpu decided to be like "nah... you... you can't do that..."



"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"




"Fine then, I guess you get no kisses today," Fred said playfully. This is how most of the mornings are with us. He tries to get me out of bed, I refuse, he throws a threat like that out there, I agree, pretty simple.

"Fine, I'll get up," I sighed as I opened my eyes.

"We're going back to the Burrow today," he said smilng, "Mum can't wait to see you." he added with a smile.

"Yeah, to beat me to death," I sighed standing and ruffling his hair as I walked to the bathroom.

"Nah, she loves you," he said shrugging out of his button up shirt. I tore my eyes away from him so I could pick out a good outfit; deciding on an overized black top with a white peace sign on it, a pair of light aqua skinny jeans, and my black Converse high tops. I made my hair fall to my mid back in rippling black curls with some platinum blonde streaks throughout, swooping it over to the side in a simple yet pretty style that framed my face well. I lined my bright green eyes and turned to face Fred.

"Look good enough?" I asked with a dramatic pose.

He chuckled, "You always look beautiful."

"Thanks," I muttered. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me in close.

"Don't worry, she'll like you, I promise," he said, his lips only an inch from mine. I looked up into his big blue eyes and was calmed instantly.

"Okay," I said shaking my head, still not believing it. I would understand if she hated my guts... let's face it, I broke her son's heart.

No, Belle! What are you saying!? He broke your heart!

"Just trust me," he whispered, sending shivers up my spine. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, I smiled up at him and he started heading towards the door. I sighed and followed close behind him.

"Hey, you two," George said. I smiled up at him and he winked at me in a playful sort of way. In the past few weeks George had pretty much gotten over the fact that Fred and I were together. It had been two and a half months and Elise still wasn't over it, of course. She had always been a bit of a drama queen. I still couldn't sleep in my room!

"Hey, George," I mumbled sitting down next to him, Fred sitting on my other side.

"What's wrong with her?" George asked his twin.

"She's worried Mum won't like her," Fred said shrugging, "She's been worried about it for days."

"Oh come on, Belle," George said with a sigh, "She'll like you, I promise."

"You can't promise that, because I know that she'll hate me for... what I did to you," I said the last part quietly, half way hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

"I thought we were past that," he said in the same hushed voice.

"We are, but she might not be," I said, tears welling up in my eyes at all of the memories.

A Fork in The Road (A Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now