Chapter One~ start off

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It was the freaking first day of school.. thank god I've made it all this way.

This was my last and final year of high school.. boyyy have I been waiting to leave.

I decided to put on something chill and simple.. one thing I learned from high school is you could wear whatever and still look good.

"Tori your mom said breakfast is ready", David said busting into my room.

I slammed my brush down looking over at him..

"uh can you knock next time.. you never know i might be butt naked.

He nodded closing the door. I swear I hated David I don't know why my mom is marrying him.

He is hella ugly and annoying surprised she doesn't see it.

After getting ready I ran downstairs meeting my mom.

I grabbed a piece of toast and my avocado smoothie... i heard its good for acne.

"your not going to eat with us, my mom said sitting down.

I sighed opening the door "I don't wanna be late.. love you.

I closed the door walking to my best friends house.. she lived like 3 houses down from me.

"Hey natureeeeee.

She smiled leaning into my hug..

"girl did you hear about Ashley and Nahmir? Nature said looking at me.

I scrunched my face up "no, what happened.

"Well I heard over the summer Nahmir cheated on her with her cousin and she still took him back a couple weeks after.

I rolled my eyes as the bus stopped in front of us.

I swear Nahmir was such a freaking play boy.. and Ashley's dumbass can't see that shit.

This honestly was nothing new for these two..

~skip bus ride~

I was hella hype to see who was in my class.. to bad it wasn't nature that really pissed me off.

But it isn't to late to meet new people right..

I sat in the middle/ back just to avoid my ex Cam...

Now why in the hell would they put him in my class.

I folded my arms slouching back in my chair some.

"Ok class pull out the books from in front of you and start reading pages 56-88 then answer questions 1-6.

Wow.. what a way to start the year off Mrs. pope.

"You may also work with a partner..

I looked around seeing if there was anybody I would want to work with.

I made eye contact with cam.. he smiled holding up his paper.

N-O I mouthed to him.

He rolled his eyes turning around.

About some minutes after I got  interrupted by someone's loud ass voice entering the classroom.

I looked up seeing nahmir and jay...

Omg why, why out of all people put them in here.

I re gathered my thoughts getting back to work.

"Mr. Simmons since you want to come in class late you will be working with victoria.

"WHAT, We both said in unison.

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