Chapter Thirty Nine- let it go

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"your really leaving"? nahmir asked

i whipped my eye turning around

"i can't stay here not with nature here".

"then we can just go get another hotel you don't have to leave".

"no nahmir i just want to go home!"

i sat on the bed balling my eyes out

"she was just saying that shit outta anger tori".

"no nahmir".

"everything she said is true".

"it's true cam gave me a st-

"don't say it ok i don't care.." he paused

"just as long as you not giving it to me".

"i promise i'm not the doctor gave me antibiotics".

he brushed my hair back sighing

"i don't know what to do any more nahmir."

he didn't respond

"my sex tape got released i've been called a tool on the internet, my best friend yelled out my STD situation, i'm just so fed up".

i sobbed even harder.

"fuck them".

i smiled but it went away pretty fast.

"look i just need to go out for a minute i'll be back i promise".

he kissed my forehead placing his hand on my thigh


i nodded standing up.

i grabbed nahmir's sweatshirt brushing pass nature and glizzy.

i walked back down to that corner store i was at last night.

"mario"! i semi yelled as he walked out


i smiled

"you left me last night why here again"?

"i just needed somebody to talk to and smoke".

"we can go to my place if that's cool".

"yeah please."

after a 15 minute drive we finally made it to his's apartment.

"so what do you wanna talk about?" he said rolling the blunt

"how is weed legal here?"

he laughed

"i don't know i get it from a friend who has many other friends."

 {1} Late night owlWhere stories live. Discover now