Chapter 28

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I woke up with ice surrounding me. More ice was coming from where I was and turning the room into an indoor ice cube.

"What's happening, Bronxe?" I asked, looking around as everything around me froze into ice.

"While you were sleeping, you were tossing and turning and murmuring stuff. Then all of the sudden, when you're arm hit the wall from all the tossing and turning, ice started to radiate off you. And I was too scared to wake you up" Bronxe explained.

"Never be scared to wake me up. I wouldn't hurt you're little bear butt for the life of me" I replied.

"Wait! Who said my butt was little? It's nice and plump, just how the ladies like it" Bronxe said, he raised his head up high like he was proud.

I laughed. "Bronxe, I'm sure you're butt is pretty big. But I'm pretty sure the ladies don't like you're big butt that much" I said. I didn't want to hurt his feelings that I'm probably going to get him fixed after this.

Bronxe looked at the floor. "I'm scared, Luna. How come we have to deal with this? We have absolutely no training for this. It's just not fair" Bronxe admitted. I know how he feels, his mother abandoned him and left him for someone else to take care of him. Then was taken to a "safe place" and was then kidnapped from that "safe place" by someone who wants everyone dead.

I smiled a fake reassuring smile. "It's okay, Bronxe. I'm sure somebody is going to find us. The entire camp is probably searching for us right now" I reassured. I was probably lieing to Bronxe. I mean, where talking about being inside an underground basement (some basements are above ground, look it up) that's in Alaska.

Bronxe cuddled up closer to me on my lap. "I hope you're right." I started to get cold from being in the indoor ice cube. I believe my lip is starting to turn purple.

Bronxe and I stayed silent like that for a little while until I heard noises outside the room.

Please be Nico. Please be Nico. Please be Nico. Dear gods, please make it Nico outside. I pleaded to myself.

"It's not Nico" Prometheus said, what a buzz kill.

The door unlocked and swung open. Prometheus was right, it wasn't Nico, it was Khione.

She was evily smiling and she has a plate with a brownie on it. This isn't good. I thought to myself.

"I made you a brownie, my butterfly. It's a sorry gift for what I did to you earlier" She said, then she came over to me and handed me the plate. "Go ahead, enjoy."

I stared at the brownie, I was tempted to eat it since I was starving but I knew there was something wrong with it.

"Eat the brownie or else you're bear will have to pay the price" Khione threatened, then she reached towards Bronxe.

"Okay, Okay. I'll eat it" I said quickly and shoved the brownie in my mouth.

She smiled and started to look around the room. "Looks like it's working. But not good enough."

I didn't understand her statement, but the brownie must've been a weed brownie because the room started to spin a little bit afterwards.

The colors in the room started to change and the room seemed to close in on me.

"Whats going on?" I asked, looking around the room frantically.

Khione looked at me and smiled, then she took Bronxe from me and set him in the corner he was in when I woke up. Then she grabbed my hand and helped me up.

I couldn't really stand, my legs were like jello. So Khione had to hold me up by my waist and she started to walk me out of the room.

"Luna! Attack her! She's going to hurt you!" I hear Bronxe about before she shuts the door.

The hallway seemed to stretch out for miles as we walked down the hall.

She took me into the room where she dug her dagger into my wrist. My dagger. It wasn't in my pocket where I put it. Oh no.

Khione set me down in the metal chair and hancuffed both of my hands to the arm rests. Then put tape over my mouth.

She pushed the table tightly against me and slammed my body against it. Soon afterwards, I felt my shirt being lifted up from behind and I started to struggle.

Then I felt something started to dig into my back. I made an attempt to scream but my mouth was taped shut.

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I didn't know what Khione was doing, but when she was finished, she left the room again.

The evil brownie had worn off and I was in my own state of mind.

But soon my back started to sting again, extremely painfully. I tried to sceam and struggle but there was no hope.

Soon the pain stopped and Khione took the handcuffs and tape off. Then took me back to the room.

I sat in the corner but my back stung as soon as I slumped onto the wall.

Khione threw the dagger onto my lap and smiled. "You want to know what I did to you're back, my butterfly? I carved another snowflake in it." She said and evily smiled.

"Is it like a hobby of yours to carve snowflakes out of people's skin? There's such thing as pumpkin carving, you know" I replied, Bronxe laughed.

"N-no, I didn't get to give you a blessing when you were a baby so now I have to personally give you one. You know, since every moon has it's dark side" Khione said.

She's really bad at comebacks for a goddess who's way older than me. I thought to myself.

I couldn't help but smile when she left the room when I was about to make another comeback.


Alright! This is important!

This is going to be something quickly said about Bronxe and stuff.

When I first introduced Bronxe, I made him too nice and sweet. And I wanted to make Bronxe something that was sassy and kind. So that's why I changed him all of the sudden, since I didn't want him to be the reason why the story is cringy. I want him to add the humor in the story.

I got his name from a Netflix movie I believe was called the boy in the walls. Anyways, the kids name was Bronxe and I was like "dam, that's a good name to use." So I used it.

I made him a bear because I saw a really inspirational video about a guy being bff's with his bear. So I was inspired with that and used it.

That's all for now, I'll have an update on the happy and sad ending in the next Chapter.

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