Chapter 34

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I like how people just suddenly assume you're poor when you're just resting on a bench in Texas.

I made twenty bucks from the hour I was just sitting there. I think I found my well- paying job.

I finally got my hands on a map of America. Probably from buying it from a gift shop. The gods are being so helpful, I don't even know how I'm going to thank them.

"Do you know how we're going to get back?" Bronxe asked, I shook my head no.

"Long Island is pretty far away from here, it'll be easier if I went I was a bird. But everybody is staring and I don't think Zeus likes me very much. I just hope a monster doesn't decide it's time for lunch" I replied, I understand why all the mortals are staring at me. It's because of my dirty- no good- pig stealing- rotten- great great grandfather. I really think Bronxe was right about the Hypothermia or insanity has taken its toll.

"Maybe we can ride bus to bus until we get to Long Island?" Bronxe suggested.

"It's going to be weeks before we even think of getting back to camp that way. Maybe by flight..?" I stopped talking when I felt like someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder and saw nothing though.

I kept walking but instantly stopped when I got a sniff of what I smelt like. And it was one word. Disgusting.

"Bronxe, we need to get back to Camp before I become a walking dumpster" I said, shaking my head at the thought.

"We smell bad, I know. But how are we going to get all the way to Long Island from Texas? We have nothing but stank" Bronxe asked, he was correct, but I didn't want to believe him.

"Maybe I can turn into something like a Cheetah and run all the way back to Long Island?" I suggested, I honestly did not have a clue where I was going or how I was going to get there. I should've payed more attention in Socail Studies. I also should've payed attention in Spanish, too, I now understand what Mrs. Kelley meant when she said you'll never know when you'll need to speak Spanish. At least I remember the alphabet and thats all that matters to me.

"Cheetah's can only run 60 miles per hour but it only lasts for 20 to 30 seconds. I don't think that's fast enough" Bronxe said, I looked at him with concern.

"That's fast in my book and I don't feel like getting picky right now," I replied. "Let's go to the nearest forest."

"Damn it" I said as another splinter got caught into my finger. I was in the woods or forest somewhere, I just went to the closest place possible.

"Alright. You ready, Bronxe?" I asked, smiling like a mad man at him.

"I don't think this'll work" he said, he's just getting first time jitters.

"You'll be fine," I replied. "Don't be such a cat."

"Do not being up cats when I'm around. They are the most untrustworthy creatures you will ever meet. And I don't suggest you meet one" he sounded like he had something to hide, it made me curious but curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh well. Let's just get this done and over with. Go to you're spot" we had an idea that if Bronxe went to a spot for when I transform, I'll be able to pick him up since it'll be hard to turn into a Cheetah with Bronxe in my arms.

He did what I had said and he trotted over to the spot. It was adorable. I've never really seen Bronxe walk on his paws before, it gave me mixed emotions about it. I was nervous, fearful, angry and unsure about my decisions and that's just from Bronxe not being held by me. The feelings made me frustrated and anxious, I almost don't want to do this anymore.

I love Bronxe, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. He's my living teddy bear, I'd tell him all of my secrets and I would know he wouldn't tell. It might be one of the ups of being able to speak to animals.

My heart rate increased as I took a couple steps back for a running head start. I started running and jumped in the air as I the darkness hurdles around me and I land on my front paws as the darkness revealed that I was a Cheetah.

I went over to Bronxe and he climbed onto my back, repeating that it wasn't a good idea over and over again. I ignored him and started running.
My plan was working until 30 seconds to a minute later and I slowed down to a trotting motion.

"I told you it wouldn't work," Bronxe scolded. "But what do I know? I just happen to be apart of the animal kingdom and know allot about animals."

"It was just an idea" I replied and got Bronxe off my back then went back to normal and quickly scooping him up in my arms.

"It was a very stupid idea" he sassed and slouched into my arms. I held onto him tighter.

"Well, do you have anything better?" I asked, I really was wondering if he did have an idea.

"I do. Fish aren't always a little snack to us bears. They're useful for when idiots like us get lost. I might not be able to eat Salmon for a while but as long as we get home, I'll give up all the Salmon in the world" Bronxe suggested, I nodded my head in agreement.

I never thought the heat in Texas would start to annoy me, but it actually did get me annoyed. It was okay when I walking the streets and stuff, but it got hotter and hotter the longer I stayed in the woods. But the heat isn't going to stop me.

"Do you know if there's a river or something nearby?" I asked, looking around trying to see if I can spot a river or something.

"I believe there's one up ahead, let's go look."

I started walking through the extensive amounts of dirt, sticks, and leaves. I was no stranger to this stuff since Hestia would always have me help her with gardening. Or if the gods have something else to tell me about that, too.

*BURPS* I finished another Chapter! Sorry it took so long. I had mixed emotions about allot of things and I decided to start explaining whats important and why it's important.

ALSO, nobody has figured it out yet. So now I have to tell you.

Bronxe was named by Leo Valdez, son of HEPHEASTUS. You know, the God of fire and stuff. There was a huge fire in some city called Bronxe or something and you know I thought it would be an easy Easter egg but apparently not.

Alright, see y'all in the next Chapter don't forget that I still have allot more chapters to write so I hope you enjoy this extremely long story.

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