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Thinking back on his life, Louis wasnt one that'd been good at keeping secrets.

He had always been a terrible liar, but for some reason, management insisted that he had to lie, that it would be better that way. They didn't want to hurt him and Harry, they were just trying to protect their image.

Louis felt like they were protecting themselves more then he and his lover, but he couldn't afford to lose his contract. He wasn't going to put his and Harry's life on the line and ruin what they'd built.

They knew some fans would support them, but there would always be those who couldn't get the idea that two men could be together in their head. Even then, Louis would rather face these people then pretend to love Eleanor, or to watch Harry be someone he wasnt.

There was no saying when they would be able to come out, but it had to happen eventually. They're love was too beautiful to hide forever. Only time would tell what would happen for them.


That was years ago, Louis realizes glumly. Here he is, back with his best friends on stage in London, and he and Harry still haven't come out yet. It's upsetting, but god is he happy that he at least gets to be on stage with him again.

It's exciting. God, is it exciting to be back on this stage. Louis can't stop smiling; even with water pooling on the base of his spine from Liam's water soak, he's ecstatic. He's got his 3 best mates on this stage, even if one of them is more then a mate.

The relationships he's built with these people are the best he's ever had; spanning more then 8 years now. They are all like brothers, except for him and Haz, of course.

They act like friends, or more so acquaintances on this stage, smiling at each other rarely or pausing for the occasional fist bump. If only they knew, Louis thinks to himself. The man next to him is the last thing he sees at night, and the first thing he sees in the morning.

Sometimes the fans are sneaky, they notice. They often see on their twitter pictures of the faces they didn't think anyone saw, or the touches they thought they could trick people into believing were platonic.

It's hard to hide when you're in love, Louis says to himself in his head, watching Harry prance around on the stage. He is letting his hair grow out again, the curls now grazing the tops of his shoulders. It isn't a secret why Louis' hair is getting longer too, as he and Harry decided long ago to do it together.

Louis is smiling lightly when he's bumped out of his thoughts by Niall, concern clear on his face as he gazes at him. His guitar pick sits idle in between his thumb and pointer finger, his guitar sitting at his hip as he quirks an eyebrow.

Louis smiles at him, shrugging a shoulder as he turns back to the audience. The whole crowd looks so good, fans of all different ethnicities, sexualities, sizes, and genders. They really make it all worth it.

One fan in the front sticks out to Louis the most, her neon blue poster board covered in rainbows with 'Louis, we love you no matter what' in purple glitter pen. He wants to smile at her, tell her she's right, they're all right, they've always been right.

But he can't. That's the part that sucks the most. He doesn't usually risk it, but he really can't help it when he sneakily throws his thumb up at the girl, smiling smally when she starts freaking out.

Even if someone saw it, it doesn't really prove anything, right? Louis thinks to himself, raising his microphone to his lips as Harry finishes a song. "We are so happy to be here tonight. Thank you for having us. Here's one of our first ever songs." He says, the crowd erupting in screams as the boys begin 'what makes you beautiful.'

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