
163 7 0

Thursday June 7th

"Daniel woke up" Zach said running outside to the boys.

Both boys looked at each other shocked before scrambling to their feet sprinting in to the cabin to see daniel sitting against his head bored having his eyes closed.

Everyone was around him while jack and Jonah carefully walked towards him.

"Hey Dani how are you feeling buddy?" Jonah asked softly. Daniel open his eyes glaring at Jonah and Jack.

"Well considering that there is no more arguing i feel a little bit better" daniel said taking a sip of water.

"Well that's amazing" Zach yelled causing daniel to wince because of the loudness. Everyone shushed Zach quickly.

"Sorry" Zach muttered.

"It's okay it just hurts when you speak loud" daniel said smiling softly at Zach.

"How about we let daniel rest and the rest of us go get food" Jonah said looking at everyone.

"I think it's a great idea" jack said agreeing with Jonah. Everyone agreed but corbyn.

"I'm just going to stay here with Daniel" corbyn said no one questioned it not even Jonah. They all walked out leaving behind corbyn and Daniel. They were sitting in their original seats until Jonah noticed that the golf cart hasn't moved.

"Where's eben?" Zach asked.

"He is at some girl cabin hanging out with her" jack answered Jonah sighed and got up front to drive. As Jonah drove he wasn't really focusing on the road like he knew he should be but his mind went to the beautiful blonde laying in his bed.

He couldn't help but think of him whenever he can. He thought about Daniel but then he remembered corbyn is also there and for some reason Jonah got this burning hatred towards corbyn even though he knew he did nothing wrong. Jonah sped up not even thinking about it he just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could.

He was pissed off for no reason at all. He just wanted to be the one who is sitting next to daniel.

"Jo slow down" Zach said. Jonah flicker back into reality and begun to slow down.

"Sorry" Jonah muttered turning up the music.

"It's okay, you just scared me" Zach Said in a low voice.

Jonah instantly felt bad for scaring the poor boy.

"I'm sorry Zach we can get ice cream to make you feel better" Jonah said.

"Did anyone ask Daniel or corbyn why they want"jack asked holding the younger boy.

"No I forgot" Zach said playing with hoodie string.

Jonah didn't bother to answer he hated the mention of corbyn name. Even if corbyn didn't do anything wrong.


Meanwhile back at the cabin daniel and corbyn had only said a very few selective words mainly on how daniel was feeling. Daniel was too focused on missing home.

"So are you feeling a little bit better" corbyn asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah I feel a lot better actually. I am glad everyone worked out their problems while I was gone" daniel said playing with his blanket.

Corbyn was laying next to daniel only because daniel wanted to cuddle with someone even if they didn't really know each other.

"Well you really affected our lives when you was gone" corbyn smiled a little as he said that.

"Well I'm glad i change your lives" daniel laughs glancing over at daniel.

"Gosh he so perfect" daniel thought.

"Thanks so are you" corbyn replied.

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" daniel said in embarrassment.

"Look at me" corbyn said. Daniel looked at corbyn scared of what might he do. Corbyn did what he never thought he would ever do. He softly placed his lips on daniels. Daniel didn't expect that not one bit but he did kissed him back. Corbyn gently pulled daniel onto his lap, daniel straddle his lap fully enjoy himself for once.

Corbyn gently tugged at daniel shirt wanting it off. Although daniel was self-conscious about his body he took off his shirt exposing his chest and abs.

Corbyn looked at daniel in awe making daniel blush. Daniel tried to cover himself up with his arms but corbyn held his hands to the bed.

"Not so fast. You are breathtaking don't ever hide yourself from me"corbyn said daniel just nod and tried to blush so much. Corbyn pressed his lips to daniels. They both got lost together. Daniel felt weird a good weird.

They lost track of time and didn't realize that Zach was standing there with his jaw dropped almost to the floor.

"Hello" Zach finally spoke up daniel jumped back almost falling off the bed. Corbyn just let out a high pitch scream.

"What the flapjacks" daniel yelled grabbing his shirt and putting it on.

"Looks like you two was having fun sucking each other faces off" Zach said smirking leaning against the wall.

"Shut up Zach" corbyn said grab his shirt putting it on as well. He also lost his shirt sometime throughout their make out session.

"What are you doing here anyway" daniel asked grabbing the bag Zach had in his hands.

"Jonah and Jack dropped me off they said they need "alone time" whatever the heck that means" Zach said doing air quotes.

Daniel and corbyn gave each other a weird look.

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