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"Well, I believe the right time will come soon. Now.. Can we take a walk together and talk? I want to get to know you better, Lia." "Oh! That'll be nice. I haven't felt the ground for a while now.", she said as she wagged her tail happily and rolled around for a while. I laughed, "Well, let's start walking. We have exactly...." I looked at my watch, "fourty-five more minutes until the spell ends." she stopped playing on the ground and stood next to me, "Okay, mi amor. Lets go." We started walking within the palace ground and talked about everything we could think of....


Zizie's P.O.V.

(NOTE: This is set up two days before Hani had lunch with Hector)

"So, lets start with knowing each other more. Tell me about yourself, Lia.", I said as we walked down the rubble path towards the woods. "Hmm.. Well, as you already know I am a wolf. But I'm also known to be the fastest and strongest among the wolves in our pack.", she replied..

I smirked, "Well, why don't you demonstrate how fast you are?" I heard her laugh and said, "First, get on my back and then I'll let you be the judge." She sat down and waited for me to climb on her back. "Are you sure? I'm heavy, remember?", I worriedly asked her. "I don't want to end up breaking your back, you know? I wouldn't know what I should say to your father if he asked me. Like, I should be honest but it'll sound embarassing.. Like.. "Yeah, she broke her back because I sat on her in her wolf form." Hell no.", I thought to myself. She snickered and said, "Hey, I'm going to be fine. You're as light as a feather, mi amor." I widen my eyes and blushed, "You can hear my thoughts?" She nodded her head and said, "Our minds are connected with the help of Amelia's powers. Yes, I can hear it and so does she. Right, bitch?" I saw one of her eyes turned to light brown and then I heard someone laughed a little and cleared their throat, "Yeah, I can hear it too. Obviously.. And cupcake, we're both strong. Especially Lia, she's a wolf remember?" "Right.. Okay.. Lets go.", I replied as I climbed up her back and grabbed a firm hold of her fur on the back of her neck. "Ready?", Amelia and Lia asked. I nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, the wind blowed my face and everything around me was a little blurry. She jumped over a huge log and landed rather roughly making me instinctly held onto her neck by hugging it. "Sorry, I thought the log was not that big.", Lia apologised as she continued to run until we reached the edge of a clift. "It's okay. Well, you sure are fast, sayang.", I said as I climbed off her back and looked at the view in front of us. It was breathtaking. "Wow.", I breathed out. "Beautiful, isn't it?", Lia asked as she stood beside me. "Yeah, the moon looks bigger here." "It's understandable because we're on a higher ground level." I nodded and said, "True. I can see villages here. This is the south side of the palace ground right?" "Yes, this is where Amelia used to go whenever she wanted to be alone during here training.", Lia replied.

"Was it hard for her in the past?", I asked as I turned to look at her. "She trained hard. Readying herself for what's to come in the future. And also to protect the one we both love.. Mi amor?" "Yes, sayang?", I tilted my head. "I think it is right for you to just be honest about who you are and take your rightful place on the throne." I sighed heavily, "It's not that easy, sayang. There's a lot of responsibilities to be the Empress of this Empire. My sudden return would surely be shocking to everyone. Think about it.. The emperial princess that fled during the war with no trace to be found had suddenly returned and wanting to take the throne all to herself just because it's her rightful place. It sounds selfish, don't you think?" "Well, how else are you going to take the throne?", she questioned. "By proving myself worthy, remember?", I answered. "I do, but how?" she questioned again. "What I know is that for now I'll train hard and maybe join combat competitions if there will be any in the near future.", I smiled. She sighed and hummed before she said, "What about training with the army during the weekends?" "Can I? Is that even allowed?", I questioned. "Yes, you can. We just need to inform Amelia's father and the council about it.", She answered. I nodded and felt excited about training with everyone.

Who Am I? (GirlxGirl) {Futanari} #wattpride [On-going]Where stories live. Discover now