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Most of the time people would thing being popular is the best thing in the world but wait till people truly know you. Especially if they knew what you were going through. No, not even my best friend knows what's wrong with me. Smiles cover a lot. Especially pain. Remember that my smiles are all fake. I'm Juliana Grace LeBlanc, but I prefer to be called Annie since that's what my mom loved calling me. I live here in Maryland with my step father, Billy, my sister Hayley and my brother Caleb— and my mom.. well my mom is watching over me, in Heaven. Anyway, I'm 17 in my last year of high school, as for my sister Hayley she is just starting her junior year. Caleb is in his 2nd year of college, he wants to become a lawyer. Hayley wants to become a veterinarian. As for me, well I haven't figured it out. But I do know there is one thing I'd like to do before this school year ends. I want to join a play, 'See Through Me.' It seems so real as if I'm living the play. How could I say that? I haven't even gotten the part.

'Annie!" A faint voice trails behind me as I walk the school halls. 'Oh hey Jay" I smile at my enthusiastic best friend, who I've known since I was 3. 'Are you auditioning for the play? I mean you really should you're legit amazing at everything!" Jay chuckles. 'Yeah I think I am" I giggle at how much support this girl gives me. ' how'd you know anyways?' I continue. 'This Flyer that Mr. A is handing out, outside of the auditorium-' before Jay could say any more I snatch the flyer out of her hand. 'OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO COOL IM FOR SURE TRYING OUT!' I jump up and down. 'Woah woah woah calm down you're causing a SCENE' Jayden smirks at her horrible pun. I laugh, shaking my head. 'Get it because like— scene and you know acting—' 'yes jay I get it' I laugh. The bell rings. 'That's the bell! Gotta blast to bio! Bye!' Jayden yells as she passes through the crowd of people in the halls. I just giggle about how quirky she is. I sigh. I'm gonna head to the track since I know nobody will be there since I have my free period now.

My track outfit was under my hoodie and mom jeans so I strip them off. I start jogging around the whole track once. Then, once I finish the first run which was 400 metres to be exact. I started to sprint the whole track. I was about to finish to the end until I ran right into someone who was running as well. Causing me and the guy to both fall. I touch my nose and to my consent it was bleeding. 'OH SHIT!' I scream in pain. 'Oh my god I am so sorry!' The boy with curly, brown hair says to me, helping me up. 'Are you ok?" The boy asks, with true concern. 'Do I look ok?' I joke. 'Oh I see you're a sarcastic one!' He swings his finger around, as a act of realization. I giggle. My nose stopped bleeding fairly quickly. We chatted for a bit and I got to know him. His name is Hayden Summerall, he loves acting and singing which is great! He is obsessed with dogs and he loves the colour purple. Also, he is such a fricken cutie. Like holy crap. I'm fan-girling I never do this. I've actually only had one true boyfriend his name is Austin Brown, our break up was mutual, I was just to stressed to be in a relationship so I broke up with him, 2 months before my mother's passing.

'Show me what you got' the cutie says, slightly smirking. 'What?' I am confused. 'Lets race! All around the track twice!' He smiles. Ugh I just met him and I'm falling for his god damn smile. 'You're on' I say, putting my water bottle down. 'You're going down, LeBlanc.' 'I can say the same for you, Summerall' I mock. We start the race we both start with a fast jog. After finishing the first part of the race I started sprinting. Hayden was behind me the whole time. We reached the finish line and I won. 'Damn LeBlanc, you're fast.' 'Touché, Summersalt.' 'Summersalt?' He asks, scratching his head. 'Yes, Summersalt.' I smile. Even though deep down my anxiety was building up as I never talked to a boy other then Caleb and my dad ever since my mom's death. ' I gotta go, I'll see you around LeBlanc' he smirks for like the 100th time. 'Ok summerall' I say, as I wipe my head with my "sweat towel" as I was packing up my track bag I hear a voice calling my name. 'Yo Juliana!' It was Hayden. 'Ew don't call me that!' I say in disgust. 'I like it!' He pouts, I playfully roll my eyes. 'What do you want?' I laugh, wow I laughed for real. 'Well I WANT your number.' Hayden mocks my tone. I give him my number and I walk away smiling but in the inside..I'm breaking.

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