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Annie didn't know how to feel. Her heart was heavy. She felt numb. Annie felt as if there was no turning back now. Which there wasn't. She has just yet met the boy. Annie tells herself she's stupid to ever give him the hint. He knew. Just then, everything went black.

The last thing Julianna heard was Hayden calling 9-1-1. Annie didn't want to be alive at the moment. She thought as though what it would be like if she wasn't around. Yes, she was popular but..yes. She was a girl breaking.

As for Hayden, right when he asked Julianna if she was breaking, he already knew the answer. Now, he's sitting in a hospital room with the sassy little girl that seems to be her sister, her father and what he thinks is her brother. Hayden wanted to cry. But didn't. Knowing that he had to stay strong for Julianna and not let her family know that he isn't strong. Even though Hayden doesn't do drugs and all that, he is stubborn. He tries to show how tough he is. But with Julianna, it's different.

'Leblanc?' A nurse hollers. Hayden looks up not saying a word, knowing that the nurse wouldn't let friends in. Before Billy, Annie's father, followed the nurse, he looked back and gave Hayden a sympathetic look, with a brief smile. Billy knew that Hayden cared for Julianna as much as he did. He trusted him. As if, he was another one of his son's. But for, Caleb and Hayley...well let's just say they don't trust the boy...yet. Key word: yet.

Carson: this girl is messing u up man. Hayden:what? Carson: Annie. You're in love with her.

Hayden left his buddy on read, he didn't want to admit that he had already fallen for a girl, in a matter of 2 days. Carson, his friend, would be proud. Since, Hayden used to be the player. He'd 'smash and dash' is what the girls called it at school. He never got to Annie. He isn't planning on playing with her heart. He wants one girl. And that one girl is Julianna Grace LeBlanc.

Hayden has been moping around the hospital for 5 hours. It was just a faint! Hayden thought. Why is it taking this long? Hayden. Being Hayden. He started to panic. Soon after, Billy comes out to talk to Hayden. 'Hayden. Annie wants to see you.' Billy reassured Hayden. Hayden's face lit up. 'What room is she in?' Hayden asked all hyped up. 'Room 777' Billy thoughtfully replied. Hayden dashed. Soon enough he reached the room. 777. Hayden didn't think to knock, knowing that Annie was probably in bed.

'Oh my god! Annie!' Hayden jumped, for joy. She just snickered. 'Hayden. Calm down! I'm ok!' Annie said, in between giggles. Hayden didn't even think to ask Annie if she was breaking, scared what might happen. He just knew he had to make her happy. Whether she was breaking or not. It's like it was his main priority in his life. Nothing else mattered. But Annie. Hayden and Annie chatted for hours. As time went by, Annie wasn't supposed to be released until the following day. Billy let Hayden stay with her. Billy knew that Hayden made Annie happier. He hasn't seen her so happy since her mother's passing. She was a mess, well, everyone was. Billy knows in his heart that he wouldn't want to be with anyone else. He was happy with just him and his kids. But he'd be even happier if his beautiful wife was still in the picture. But in a way, she is.

Everyone learned something that day, happiness is all you need to be successful. No matter, who it is that makes you happy. You have to stick with that person. Because you can't lose another person. Or a person at all. Hayden, Billy and Annie know that no matter what someone is going through, choose happiness.

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