ch. 2

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The day I saw you for the

first time. 

It was raining, cold and wet. And I was having

possibly one of the worst days ever.

I stopped at a corner store, to buy an energy drink 

in attempts to cheer myself up. 


I saw you. 

You had jet black hair, and a steaming coffee next to your 

open lap top. 

It looked like you had an essay pulled up on it. 

I watched as you took a sip of the coffee, 

unsure as to how you didn't cringe at the taste. 

Then, as if a fire had been started under your chair, 

you started to write with such fervor

that I wished I could have. 

You must've felt me staring because you turned to look at me. 

You smiled, the brightest and most beautiful smile I had ever seen. 

And at that moment, a fire had started in me. 


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