ch. 9

272 17 5

The only way to describe the feeling I 

had in the days leading up to my worst was


It had been a month and a half or so. 

Countless late night phone calls and 

movie dates that would result in making out

on my couch. 

It became my routine to go to the corner store everyday

on my way home from the studio. 

I would pick you up, we'd stop for you to get coffee, 

you would try to get me to drink it and fail, then 

we'd go to my apartment for hours and hours. 

As I was walking I noticed

the winter weather falling away into spring. 

Ominous clouds were starting to gather, I picked 

up my pace.

I thought back to the night before while 

I walked. 

I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend 

that night, but you got a text and left in a rush. 

I tried to ask you about it but you were

gone before I got an answer. 

I brushed away the anxious feeling in my throat 

and walked faster as the wind started

to pick up.

The first thing I noticed upon walking into the 

store was how cold it felt inside the

usually warm building. 

The second thing I noticed,

was the absence of you. 

I shrugged a little to myself and began

to pull my phone out to call you and ask where

you were. 

"Hey," I was stopped from grabbing my phone

and I turned around. It was the cashier. 

"Um, yes?" The boy in front of me was young with dyed 

blonde hair and freckles scattered across his face. 

He cleared his throat, seemingly nervous. 

"Uh, he came in earlier and asked me to give you 

this." The boy, his nametag said Felix, handed me a closed

white envelope. 

I was confused to say the least, but I took it 

and thanked him. 

I walked outside and sat on a nearby bench as the wind

rustled the leaves of the trees around me. 

I turned the envelope over and read

your handwriting, what was usually so delicate, 

looked so rushed and heavy. 

The ink hadn't dried and it was smudged across the


I turned it over to the back once again

and opened it. 

A short letter was inside. 

"Dear Channie, 

           I'm sorry. I have to leave. I can't tell

you why but I wish I could. I wish we had more time, 

or that I hadn't have been stupid and gotten attached. 

I won't come back, and you won't be able to find me. 

I hope you can forget us, or hate me. Then it will at least

be a little easier. I'm so sorry. 

I love you. 

                                                    Sincerely, your Innie." 

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