Chapter 1

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Bendy's POV: In the studio

"Hey Boris whatcha up to?" I asked. Boris looks over at my direction quickly. "Oh it's just you Bendy." Boris said relieved. "Who else were you expecting?" I asked. Boris replied," Well I thought you were Alice. Sorry bro."
"Why Alice though?" I asked. He replied "Well I kinda ma-". "BORIS WHERE ARE YOU!!" Alice yelled.
"Ekkk!"He yelped and runs into the closest room he could find. Alice starts storming into the hallway and starts saying "BORIS I know your around here! I heard you! So come ou-" "Hey there Alice. What's up?" I said. "Have you seen Boris around here?" She asked. "Yep he was here." Alice asks, "So do you think you know where he may be at now?" "Somewhere around there."I say as I point to the end of the hallway. "Okay thanks Bendy."She said as she ran down the hallway. "Boris you can come out now. I think she'll be gone for a while." I say to the room he went into. But there was no response from the room. "Boris? Is something wrong? Answer me Boris." I asked as I got closer to the door. I start to open the door and start to feel a chill on my back."What is this place? And why is it so dark in here?" I said but soon enough I hear someone walking towards my direction. "B-boris is t-that you? T-this isn't f-funny B-boris" I started to stutter as I slowly backed up to get close to the door. As soon as I go through the door I see a person outside close to the door and it was ... "Joey?" I said out loud accidentally. "Yes Bendy." he said. "Um Joey what room is this and why is it so dark?" I asked. "Oh this room. This is the room for the ink machine but you shouldn't be around here it isn't safe." he said. I started to say " But Bo-" "No Bendy you shouldn't be here. This room was supposed to be locked up in the first place too." He said. I tried once again and said "But Boris is inside there, Joey!" As soon as Joey realized what I had just said he goes inside the room and turns on the light. When Bendy looked in the room he found a big machine which was the ink machine. It was really big but what scared me the most was the ink coming out. The ink didn't seem normal. It seemed a-alive. "Bendy move back don't let this ink touch you. Not a SINGLE drop." Joey said. I moved back a bit but to my surprise I saw Boris at the other side. "Joey, B-boris is at the other side." I said. "Bendy whatever happens today will be a secret okay." he said. I noded a bit knowing that if I said no I might get Henry fired or even worst things could happen. But to surprise I saw Joey get close to the machine and then that's when I saw the ink started getting worst. The machine was pumping out slot of ink. And still on the other side I saw Boris getting as far away from the ink as he could. Until he ran out of space. I ran towards Boris as he was terrified by the ink. But to my surprise the ink stopped getting close to Boris but to me. It slowly turned into a person and was about to touch me untill Joey hit it with wooden plank. It spattered into small blobs of ink. "Bendy what are you thinking. I told you to not get a SINGLE drop of this ink." Joey said. I said" I was going to try to get Bori-" it felt like something had just s-stabed me. Everything was getting hard to see. It was all blurry and I felt a bit sick. But before I closed my eyes I saw Boris.
*Sometime Later*
      I'm alive at least. I wonder what happened while I was out. As I looked around I saw that I was no longer in the studio but in a hospital bed. But why? Could it have been from the thing that attacked me. Or was all that a dream? I hope it was all a dream but why did it feel so real. But if it was real where are Boris and Joey at right now? I have to go back. I have to go back to the studio. I get up but feel some pain in my back."W-what's wrong with my back? Why does it hurt?"I asked my self. Dang it why is my back in pain now? Amongst all the time I've lived and at one of the most urgent times. Great just great. Anyway there should be doctors around here since it's a hospital but where would they be. I should get up whether I want to or not. I get up feeling intense pain in my back but I just continued walking. But I have to find my clothes no one would let me leave with this on.

After a few minutes of searching for any clothes I finally found my clothes. Although it was kind of hard to reach with my back in pain still. But before I left I made sure to leave something in my place.
As soon as I left the hospital I saw the studio in the distance a bit but still not too far away. It was still fine so I guess it really was just a dream but it still doesn't explain why my back hurts. But I have to go and see Joey along with father Henry. I hope they know what happened to me.
*A few minutes later*
      As I walk over to the studio I open the door to find a person but I don't think I know him. "Huh" he said as I knocked on the door to grab his attention. I started to say "Hi there. Do you mind telling me who you ar-" "Wait your Bendy! Bendy the Dancing Demon!" he said. "Um yes I am Bendy but do you mind telling me who you are?" I asked. "Oh right I'm Sammy Lawrence. Also I just started working here pretty recently. Also if your looking for Alice, Boris, Joey, and Henry they went to um see you in the hospital but your here no-" "SAMMY BENDY'S GONE! HE'S NOT IN THE HOSPITAL!" Henry said as he ran into the studio. Sammy started to say "Henry wait. Just calm dow-" "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?! BENDY'S GONE!" Sammy said "HENRY! Bendy's right here." Henry looked puzzled at what Sammy had just said so I just tugged Henry's shirt so that he would notice me. As soon as he saw me he picked me up and hugged me tightly. "H-Henry you can put me down now. My back is in pain so um..." I said. "Oh sure Bendy and sorry about that but you should have stayed in the hospital. It's safe and they can help you." Henry said. Sammy starts to say "Oh you should go back to the hospital Bendy. They'll help you recover sooner. It would be best to stay there for a while." "But what about Boris, Alice and Joey?" I asked. Henry responds,"Oh right. I almost forgot. I kinda left them behind on my way here." Me and Sammy giggled a bit at what Henry just said. "But anyway we should help them they must be tired." Sammy said. Henry then replied "Alright but Bendy do you need anything. A seat, a cup of wate-" I soon said, "Henry don't worry about me I'm more than fine except for my back hurting abit. But more than that I'm fine so go help them." Henry nodded in agreement and left the studio to go find the three. I wonder why Henry was so worried it seemed like something terrible had happened to me but wha- wait m-my hand i-it's changing b-but why? It's turning into in-. I rushed to the bathroom feeling my stomach in pain. W-what wrong with me? Why is my stomach in so much pain?! I started to throw up a bit of i-ink?
*Minutes Later*
"Bendy where are you?" the others called out. I wanted to say "Here I am. In bathroom. Help me!" But I was stuck there with my back in pain, puking ink, and me melting into ink for some reason. I wish that this was all a dream. I hope that someone will find me soon...

Here's the cliffhanger and I hope you like it also Cuphead will come out soon with Mugs hopefully. If the story goes as planned. But anyway a few announcements.
*If you want to add on to the story I might be able to make some space.
*If you want to be in the story I'm only allowing two people for now. But you'll have to give me some info on them. Like their:

Age: (Optional)
Any other information you want to include:

Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a good day or night. See you in the next chapter.

Also I would like to say Cuphead and Mugman may or may not come out by Chapter 2 but I'll try. Chapter 2 is in progress.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the story for now.

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