Chapter 3

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???? POV: In the Hospital
   "H-here I am. Sorry for my lateness." I said as I got in through the doors. I was tired from running here that's for sure. I walked over to the guy who was waving at me. I think he's the guy who hired me at least. "Um are you Mr.Drew sir?" I said. "Please just call me Joey. No one really calls me that now but you are the guy he sent, right?" he said. "By he you mean the Devil I presume." I said. "Yes he is. Also do you mind telling me how he's doing?" he asked. "Well he's doing fine now. Not like his old evil self. Although it does tend to happen time to time." I say. "Well it was quite normal for him to do that so I guess he's fine but anyway let me tell you who your going to prote-" Right before he could finish saying what he wanted to another guy came and said, "Are you the one who's going to protect our star of the show?" "Um I think so sir." He then looks at me as if he was trying to see right through me and maybe even to kill me. "Um is there something wrong sir." I asked. "Oh. No nothings wrong I just wanted to make sure your okay or at least safe to be with. Our star may want to talk to someone when we're not around so could you do me a favor and take good care of him. Also just so you know I'm Henry." he said. "Well then it's a pleasure to meet you Henry. Also I'm Cuphead." A doctor then walks up to us and says, "So can we do our tests on the patient?" Henry  then says, "Yes, but remember he has to be there too." The doctor nodded in agreement and then sent a nurse to take me over to the room their 'star' was at.
Bendy's POV:In the room
     What happened to me? I'm sure that I was in the studio pukeing ink a-and I was melting into ink too. I wonder how they found me though.
    As all these thoughts kept circling back and forth in my head I suddenly heard someone open the door to my room so I quickly covered myself up with the sheets I had with me. "Um hello there are you sleeping?" I didn't respond back hoping that whoever was there would leave me after thinking that I was asleep. "I guess so. At least I brought a book to read." Is he a fan of mine or is he one of my family members. I turn over to my side and peek over and find a guy in the seat reading his book. He then looks up from his book and catches me looking at him. "Oh so you were awake this whole time." I quickly pull down the sheet that I was covering myself with. "Oh come on please talk to me. Even if it's just a word." he said. I wanted to ask him a lot of things but then again I don't know him so I didn't want to talk to him. So all I said was "Who are you?" "Well I guess you can say I'm kinda like your body guard but this is only temporary. Also my name is Cuphead. If you need anything I'll help you out but could you tell me who you are too?" He said. He seems like a good person so I decided to take off the sheet covering me. "W-well I'm B-bendy the dancing demon. N-nice to meet you C-cuphead." I said. "Why are you stuttering Bendy?" said Cuphead. "W-well what did you expect? I find a stranger in my hospital room instead of my family." I said. "Well I wouldn't say I'm a complete stranger to you. You know my name and I had no idea who you were so I guess we are kinda in the same situation." Cuphead said. Know what I think he's a good guy after all. "Hey Cuphead what are you 'really' here for?"I said with a serious face. "W-what do you mean B-bendy?" He said nervously. "I said what are you really here for?" I said as I was getting closer to him but in a bit of pain from my back still hurting. "W-well Joey said that I'm here to protect you and watch over you. Also Henry said that I should talk to you when you want or at least when you look lonely. He seems like a good guy too." he said. "Okay I guess. Also sorry about that. It's just that I thought you would know something but as it turns out you don't know." I said.
     Cuphead seemed to be a bit happier and then said "Well you should go back in the bed ki-" "Who are you calling a kid? I'm 18! 18!" I said aloud. He then said "Okay okay I get it your 18. Not a kid but I'm sure you act like one." I was ready to pounce on him but as I jumped he caught me. "H-hey put me down! Also I don't act like a child!" I said aloud. He placed me on the bed and covered me with the sheets I had earlier and then he said. "Okay okay. You don't have to shout. I can hear you just fine. Anyway you should get a bit of sleep they're going to take tests on you a bit later." "Um okay." I said. I guess he's not at all that bad like I was thinking before. I just hope we can be friends sooner or later. As I was slowly dosing off to sleep I started to feel myself a bit different than usual. I was sweating a bit of ink but when I tried to get up or tell Cuphead something nothing came through. It was like I had no control. I just hope it's not the same as what happened in my dream. I don't want Cuphead to get hurt from me because he's supposed to help me. He's so kind. I just want to tell him to run away from me be..fore it's too late...

Special thanks to MillyKit87 and Classifycherry.

Working on Chapter 4 right now and instead I'll try to do a daily post. It may be at day or night but I'll try my best . Also hope your enjoying the story. Have a good day or night.

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