- 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓹.1

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daniels p.o.v
     I woke up early then I usually do. Around 5:30 am while y/n was still asleep. Since she fell asleep on the roof I Carried her to my dorm. I didn't share a dorm with anyone since my last roommate was too scared to even breathe the same air as me.
I changed into my causal clothing and sat next to y/n on my bed. I didn't sleep with her instead I slept on the floor close to my bed where she slept. I gazed in her beautiful eyes and her smile.

her smiles are never removable.
I mumbled under my breath as I moved her bangs from her eyes to get a better view on her face. I smiled and watched her rest a bit. She had her phone on her still. Her friend Gwen spammed her phone asking where she was, but she stopped when she thought y/n went to go eat.

5:37 am.

I lied down a bit to relax while I faced my ceiling. To my surprise y/n began moving. Eventually ending up cuddled up against me. I blushed confused. As I slowly turned my head to face her I was greeted by her warm smile. A smile I could never get tired of seeing.

"Morning Danny!"

your p.o.v
"M-morning y/n! I see you slept well" Daniel said.

"Of course I did! Sleep is an amazing way to escape reality!"

Daniel smiled while getting up. I stood up and looked around his dorm. He had a small variety of different knifes stored in his half opened drawer all with a special touch given to them. A few posters with devilish looking creatures. And one about Xeemug? Never heard of him.

"Woah Danny. Your room is so.."

"I know it's not the best but-"

"AMAZING!! it's like I'm in a Hot topic exclusive lane!"

Daniel awkwardly laughed debating if that should be taken as a compliment.

"I especially love the "edgy" posters too! And your knife collection how did you get these through campus without teachers saying something?"

I stared at one of the knifes which had a red stain design. Kinda like it had blood on it.

"I have my ways..Anyways Gwen was calling you I think you should text her she seems worried a bit"

Daniel passed me my phone and I smiled hugging him tightly.

"Thank you." I said as he gently ran his fingers through my hair.

"Your welcome."

— — —

Graduation finally ended and we all finally went our separate ways. I got a job at campsite area owned by Cameron Campbell. Daniel and I traded numbers and still remained in touch.

Gwen on the other hand ended up working at the same camp as me.

I looked down at my phone to see if Daniel would text me. Nothing.

I sighed staring at my phone at
1:35 am.
I moved around my bed waiting to see those three little moving dots to appear.

"what are you doing?"

"Oh sorry Gwen I'm just trying to see if Daniel will reply."

"Oh that blondie that everyone on campus called a cultist you still talk to that weirdo?"

I rolled my eyes at her unnecessary side comment.

"He's not that bad. He's really nice once you get to know him." I mumbled.

Gwen sat on my bed scanning me and Daniels messages. She grabbed my phone to get a closer look.

"Oh my god. Oh my god!!!"

"What? Did he respond?"

"What no its just he's seems super into you y/n!"

I blushed at that thought.
Daniel. In love. With someone like me? Never in a million years.
I thought to myself while snapping back into reality.

"Pfft yea right. We're just close friends and if he was hitting on me I would have known! I read a bunch of smut and fluff fics to understand that!"
I made a poor attempt to snatch my phone from Gwen, but failed miserably.

" He's clearly into you I mean who sends pictures of hearts like that saying stuff like "awe your so cute." Or " how adorable.." And don't even get me started on all the picture he's liked on YOUR social media accounts!"
I sat back down my bed crossing my arms.

"But..I mean he is cute. And super sweet but would he admit to being in love?"

"Yea yea also your Romeo replied" I jumped in excitement grabbing my phone from Gwen as she hovered over me while I was texting Daniel.

"Yea yea also your Romeo replied" I jumped in excitement grabbing my phone from Gwen as she hovered over me while I was texting Daniel

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"Yep totally into you man I guess cult leaders like an innocent girl" Gwen pinched my cheeks making me laugh at her.

" I cant wait for tomorrow we haven't hanged out in forever now! "
I smiled at the thought of the things we could do together. Hug maybe even kiss under the moonlight and maybe even hold hands!
"Yea yea, but you need to be prepared this isn't a "hanging out with friends day" this is a fucking date y/n l/n! You need to wear a tight ass dress that shows minimum cleavage to leave the other parts for Daniels imagination and-"
I stopped Gwen.

"Gwen I'll be fine this is my first ever date but i know I'll be okay I just need help with choosing an outfit and maybe some lipstick would be nice too." I looked back at Gwen and saw her smiled widened as she hugged me tightly.

"my baby is all grown up!" She said shaking me while her eyes began to tear up.

"G-Gwen I'd like to be a-alive for my date!"

"S-sorry I'm just so happy for you!, but I can be proud of you and cry my eyes out later right now we need some rest for tomorrow! We have a big day ahead of us girl!"

"Roger that captain!"
we both slept till morning.

to be continued.

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