First Star -1

10 2 2

Date: 01/01/0001

The first human, the first person in the world. Is born. 

They have no knowledge of the world placed out before them, they have no idea what the colours are, what the ocean that covers most of this vast earth is. They're clueless. But the one thing that they know is; their time will end. 

And as the baby human cried it's first tears, smiled for the first time, walked for the first time- all the things this small human does for the very first time- will be long forgotten in the future by all seven billion that now roam the earth.

Their first time drinking the lukewarm water created by the sun, forgotten.

Their first time to run miles on end, just to collapse at the end, forgotten.

Their first time, breathing in the sweet scent of dozens of flowers that cover the fields, forgotten.

Everything- has been forgotten.

But there are creatures.

Creatures that roam up above the evening sky, they are, the Stella Navigates.

They do not roam down to the earth, they merely wait for someone. Someone to take. Someone, whose time is up. And as the very first human, lays on the deep green layered grass that covers every inch of their naked and bare body...

They take their last breath, just as the sun dawns.

Uttering a single word that yet again, people will forget.


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