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What is he?

' Ha ha' he giggled, 'I am sorry to startle you, but you didn't have to state at me like that.., you just be thinking how I know your name, well kim told me:>' he said as he turned to Kim. 'Right? Kai?'

Kim's eyes widened as he stuttered 'er.. ye.. yeah.. yes, I to... told him' he said with a crooked smile as he caught my hand tightly refusing to let go, as looked to me as though it was saying to stay away from jungkook.

Something is not ok,why would kim act like this?, I look at jungkook, his eyes were now black, huh what's going on? I remember his eyes were golden red that time, did I dream of it? Eh, probably...

'Kai?' I asked, 'why do you call kim that?'. Then jungkook (who sat beside me!), said, 'oh yeah, I call kim 'kai' as a code name and he calls me 'akurao' as mine' he said as he turned to Kim and smiled. 'Right?'.

'Yeah,' he hesitated, 'ok then can I call you that too?' I asked, jungkook accepted but kim didn't respond. At the end I had to clean the class as a chore, but as soon as I finished I saw a note lying on my desk, huh, no one is here, so who left it?

I open the note and saw

'Min, meet me at the terrace of our school... Kim Samuel' now you must be thinking how I got fooled, well I thought of calling kim but the messaged he sent me, stated 'meet me at the terrace ;5 minutes ago!' So I believed it and walked towards the terrace while no one was at school.

Kim Samuel

'This is weird where is my phone? I remember keeping it on the sink when I washed my hand, where is it? Who could have taken it?', I asked myself as I entered the classroom, 'maybe I left it here?' I thought.

Crack (I am sorry I don't know how it sounds when you crumble the paper)

Huh? What's this? A note? I opened, as I am appaled in how some one could do like this.. who could do it? My eyes widened as soon as I realized who could do this! Akurao!

Min Soo

Where is Kim? I thought if he had to ask me something we could have discussed it tomorrow. I combed the whole area but couldn't find him... a prank maybe?

I turn to walk away, but I stop as soon as I see a shadow looming behind me... 'kim! This is no....' huh, I turn around to see not kim but jungkook...

'Jungkook? What are you doing here?' I asked. As he grinned and said ' you got my message right?'. ' Huh, but kim sent me that message, and his phone?' I asked not believing what he said...

'kim never thought of you as a friend, he is kind and nice to every one but in reality he is wearing a mask where he hides his truth, he told me himself that he hates you, here see the proof yourself' he stated fixing his gaze on me as he showed me a video where kim States ' I am toying with her, she is too fragile, ha Min soo!'

'Be mine I will treat you differently, I will care you like as if you were a glass' he smiles.

I stood there unable to utter a word, how could you Kim after all you... you said , ' I will always be with you, no matter what the consequence is...', tears rolled as jungkook wiped my tears away and he kissed my cheek lightly handling me as if I were a glass. He was telling the truth.

'Jungkook, ' , I cried as I couldn't say anything he took me in his arm tightly not letting go of me... as he said ' I am true to what I say, I am not like kim who would betray you, I would treat you kindly and always support you in any situation not leaving you alone...'

He is so warm and so kind, but kim too felt like this the first time, would jungkook too turn out to be like kim? Well for now I trust him. I thought as I clutched his hand.

Bang bang.

The terrace door flung open, as I saw kim coming out, he watered at jungkook and made a disgusted face as he pulled me away from jungkook and shouted ' stay away from Min Soo!' , jungkook grinned and said ' let her decide who she wants to be with'. Kim clutched my hand.

Kim Samuel

' let her decide who she wants to be with'. I clutched her hand refusing to let go, sure that she would choose me.

But at the end,

She didn't...

Akurao, I will...

I will...

Kill you...

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