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I will kill you akurao.

I was so sure she would choose me...

15 minutes earlier.

I clutched her hand, refusing to let go, and sure she would choose me... as I smiled at her...

Then she...

Min Soo

Kim... he is clutching my hand at looking at me with the gentlest pair I eyes, he looks so innocent. ' You act so innocent right!? Well it isn't going to work on me! I thought you were different, you said you would be with me, but I am just a toy for you right!?, I shouted all at one breath...

' I hate you, stay away from me!' I flung my arms to loosen his grip, as I jerk away from him and go down stairs.

'Min Soo' I hear him call my name but enough of his filthy lies!

Kim Samuel

'Min Soo, wait don't believe.... akurao! , you will pay for this'. I say as I turn toward him, his eyes flashing red, as he grins. ' kai, how many times to I have to tell you to stay away from my way, last time you did this, remember what happened? Or should I remind you? By using Min?'.

I grab his collar, ' you better not harm Min otherwise!...' I say as I tighten my grip to choke him. ' otherwise what? Will you try to kill me again?'. 'How dare you!?, you tested me once if you do it again I will definitely kill you.'

'You always amuse me kai, first Min Young and now Min Soo! Do you always do it?' He asked as he fixed his gaze on me... ' What do you mean?' I ask.

'oh kim don't act innocent, we all know about you...' a voice said, I turn to see Soo Young there... ' Young? What are you doing here?', I asked. ' Akayashi wanted me to check on you two so that you guys don't get into trouble, but i see that you both are fighting and causing trouble?' She stated. I let jungkook on the ground.

'Seriously, he sent you? Man pathetic' jungkook said, ' what do you mean by pathetic atleast he trusts me' She said as she became red... and eyes green.
' Ahh, what did Akayashi send you for?', I asked again. ' I just told you...',
' the truth' I said furiously, ' he wanted me to tell you that you have one week left to do the task...' She stuttered.

' one week!!!', me and jungkook both exclaimed together, as we looked at each other and gulped, 'How does akayashi think we will be able to complete this task in one week!?, and if akurao had not interferred I would have acquired it!' I exclaimed...

' excuse me? , how could you have possibly acquired it?' Jungkook exclaimed!, if you hadn't interferred right now I would have!'

'Hey, I have you one week and if you act like this you will waste the time given to you'voice thundered! We all turned to find ayakashi standing behind us.....

'Aya..ka...shi?, we will get it don't worry' we stuttered. ' You better or else I will have to get soul dew myself, by any means be careful while aquiring it, it is valuable to young'...

' yes we know' we replied, as I clutched my fist, and walked away slowly.


' Hey was kai about to cry?' Haha..

'Don't be like that akurao, he is our ally' supported Soo.

'Ha, you always support him, and not me' I exclaimed. ' you really hurt my fee...', ' akurao you are mumbling again, you know I hate it!' Interrupted Soo. Huh, oh yeah ' sorry ', I must be carefull.

'Bye, akurao, by the way you will get a surprise tomorrow.' She said winking and waving her hands... she is so sweet... 'bye' I reply, waving my hand too...

how can I ever express that I..

Find you...

Very tempting?

I see kai walking out I the school.

Ha, kai you will not be the heir to the throne, I swear to you, before you get it I will slaughter you..

'But I Can't believe it...' I said as I stared at him with guilt in my eyes.

'You of all...

The people....

Are my...


I muttered...

What is the soul dew for?

Continue reading to find out!:>♡♡♡

Sorry this update isn't good but the next one will be better

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