Soldier reaper x nurse geno

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(Reapers POV)

"What do you mean where out of amo?!" I yelled to be heard over the gunfire and explosions but the monster only shrugged I growled in annoyance about to speak again when a I heard the clank of a grenade being thrown in to our trench.

My eye sockets widened "GET DOWN!" But tbag wasn't gonna do much and as soon as it went off there was blinding white and then black.

(Genos POV)

People say it's odd for a guy to be a nurse but I say screw stereotypes a guy can be a nurse I thought to my self quickly bandaging uo another soldier. "NURSE NURSE!" I looked behind me and saw a person being dragged in this was a very familiar scene to me but as I got closer I saw that there couldn't be a chance this person was alive unless they where passed out.

No one else responded to busy so I said I'd take him. They lifted him up on the bed as I imidiently addresses his wounds lots of broken bones and his soul is cracking so I better act fast.

Nimbly I cleaned and healed his wounds seeing the cracking has stopped I stepped back and waited for him to wake up. Eventually he did with a fit of coughing I jumped up from the chair "Are you Alright?" I said quickly as he blinked "where am I?" His voice sounded strained he tried sitting up but hissed in pain. "I wouldn't advise that you took a serious injury there bud" I said rechecking his bandages I lifted up his shirt ignoring the confused look he gave me. "I'll have to re change the bandages on your ribs there bleeding again."

After doing that and a lot of cursing I was finally done "do you have any family to call?" I asked meeting his empty gaze before he shook his head no "Alright "

Seven days have passed he was healing well each day and night I would check on him and sometimes a bit more just so we could talk more but of course I would never tell him that he would never let me hear the end of it.

I walked in again and saw he was sleeping I almost didn't want to wake him up- CRASH! I jumped as it felt as if the whole shelter was shaking I gasped as the air raid siren sounded followed by loud crashes.

I yelped when Reaper quickly stood up and grabbed a hold of me his leg wasn't fully healed "we have to get out of Hear!" I nodded and helped him out of the room the place was in panic people running left and right there was screaming. When we got outside I saw tons of planes fly over dropping bombs blowing up parts of the makeshift hospital.

"How will you get everyone out??" He asked "I'll be back!" I yelled running in the now flaming building ingoring the protests of Reaper.

I heard a child's wail and a woman shushing her running to the noise I leaped over burning rubble to see a woman stuck underneath a wood beam and a small child crying she looked up when she saw me "oh thank goodness!" I made a effort to life the beam but I wasnt strong enough I tried again and again but the smoke felt like daggers to my chest every time I breathed in then I heard a voice behind me "come on we have to hurry!" I looked back Reaper had soot staining his face we lifted it together and pulled the woman out Who by now passed out "grab the child I'll grab the-.......... Geno?.........GENO!"

The black smoke consumed me.

When I awoke I felt my head on someone's lap I looked to the side to see a black shirt dragging my gaze up I saw Reaper was sleeping back leaning against a wall. I had a massive headache I saw he had a black mark across his cheek.

Raising a hand weakly I wiped it away causing him to grab my hand "oh good your awake" he said his voice hoarse from all the smoke he breathed in I went to speak but what onky came out was a squeak. "Clearly you got the worst of it" he said placing a hand on the side of my cheek "though maybe this is a good thing I won't have to hear your sassy remarks" he laughed I rolled my eye light unamused but I'm glad that he's okay.

Me and reaper for closer and closer over the time we spent together but then he had to go back and fight again.

"Please be careful" I said fixing his uniform already knowing it will be stained with mud and gunpowder by time he gets out there "I will but even if I do get injured at least I get to see you?" I smiled weakly looking up at him "hey Geno, dont worry about me it's not like I'm a rookie I've done this for years." "I know it's just I'll miss you" he smirked "finally gonna admit it?" "Huh? Admit what?" He leaned in closer to me still remaining with a smirk "your love for me~?" I blushed before scoffing "what love?" He shook his head "fine if you won't I will." "Wait what?!" He grabbed my hands "Geno over the days you've taken care of me I'm 98% sure I'm Inlove with you." I smiled but rolled my eye light "what's the other 2%?" "That I could be wrong but I'd say that's a slim chance" he said before kissing me and of course I kissed back "do you love me back?" He asked hopeful I smirked "of course I do ya idiot"

(A shorter one shot but nonetheless hear it is.)

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