Strawberries (reaper x geno)

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(Reapers POV)
Frustrated I punched the bag at the gym, Geno was always stubborn but never like this, why could he just get the hint that I love him??

All my attempts he rudely Denys them or straight out ignores me, huffing I glared at the bag I had once been hitting and decided to call it a day. Changing in to a sweater and sweat pants I slung my gym bag over my shoulder walking out.

Not to mention he's a tough as nails to talk too, scaling mt ebot seems easier. Maybe he's right I should just bug off. I'll loose feelings eventually, opening my phone I deleted his number with the string of unanswered texts giving a final sigh I concluded I for once needed a vacation. It's a pretty random thing to decide but after the year I've had I need it. Calling up my brother who helps run the family business to tell him my news.

(Genos POV)
Waking up I looked at my phone expecting a text from reaper per usual and was met with nothing. Confused this was not out of character for him usally he texts me "good morning dear" which is always sweet,but I'm scared to get in to a relationship even though I do, maybe just kind of like him.

How ever my last relationship was horrible I was miserable all the time and not to mention the way he treated me, I thought denying Reaper would keep him in that little friend zone box until I was ready.

Sighing I shook my head, not the biggest deal he's probably still asleep he'll text later.

(Two weeks later)

I messed up big time, nothing from reaper not a word, even his social media's been dead. Worried I thought the worst. What if somethings happened to him? That idiot. he might be playing a trick on me, no he wouldn't he may be sadistic but he wouldn't do this.

Feeling miserable I called blue over when he arrived he instantly hugged me. "I brought chocolate" he stated already knowing of my little crush on reaper, and knowing well this is my first crush since my last relationship so that was huge.

Sitting down on the couch with him I munched upon the bar, "so what happened? Dose he not like you back?" Shaking my head I looked at the couch "no, I may think I pushed him to far out. He's been ghosting me for weeks"

Blues concerned look changed to a frown "but Weren't you doing the same thing?" I put my hands over my eye sockets "I know but that's before I realized I really liked him, and plus you know why" I spoke misery in my words.

"Oh Geno, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying he probably thinks you hate him" lowering my hands i pouted, "I don't know how to fix things. Has he talked to you?"

He shook his head "no ones heard from him, but I heard word he was at life's cottage down south visiting, so that's why I assumed he wasn't texting anyone much."

Nodding I took in this information turning the thought over in my head a few times before bluntly stating my reply. "I'm going" confused blue laughed "your kidding right? That's miles away" I shook my head "I need to tell him I'm not mad at him" I said determined. "Can't you just call him?" Shaking my head I left to my room and started packing "I can't say this over the phone. Plus he won't answer Anyways"

When I came back with a suitcase blue grinned finally "Alright if your serious about this, then go get your mans" rolling my eye light I chucked my keys at blue "lock up for me will ya"

(Reapers POV)

Turning my phone over in my hands I sat in  boredom. Sure it was peaceful but I almost missed the chaotic mess of the city. Sitting on the balcony with a table and chairs that out looked the strawberry fields it made the air almost sickly sweet combating my bitter coffee perfectly to make a equal balance. The scenery was almost sereal and life had been kind enough to let me stay while i figured things out.

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