S.H.I.E.L.D, and The Avengers.

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"Miss. Rooshkleg, are you even listening?" My teacher demands.

"No." I simply state.

"why?!" She shrieks.

"Because I know all of this." 

"Than Who is regarded as father of Modern Chemistry?"


"Correct, Rare Gases are..?"

"Mono Atomic."

"the term PVC in the plastic industry stands for...?"

"PolyVinyl Chloride." 

"Correct. Oil of Virtual is....?"

"Sulfuric Acid." I say, getting bored.

"Correct, What is-" I cut her off then.

"Lets just get on with your class, okay? Lunch is in three minutes."

The class chuckles softly. "Yes, Homework are pages 89 and 90, answer all of the questions, you can start now if you want. Tethyst, can I speak with you?" I stand up and walk to her desk. 

"Tethyst, I know this class is slow for you, if there was a higher level in high school we would give it to you. But you have to bare with us until you graduate earlier than all of the rest." I nod in understanding. "Okay, Class is dismissed, go to lunch everyone." 

I grab my stuff and sling my bag over my shoulder. Peter meets me at the door. "That was amazing! you were shooting the answers so fast that I'm wondering if your even human!"

 I'm not. I thought, but apparently I said it out loud. Because  he snaps his head towards me so fast I thought he whiplashed.

"You're not? How?"

"I'm old. That's all I'm gonna say."

"How old are you?" He asks. But before I can answer a voice interrupts me. 

"From our calculations, roughly about 48,000 years old." 

"Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. And Fury, I'm flattered that you think I'm so young."

"You need to come with us." He states. I turn around.

"Why? So you can lock me up again? I'm not going back into the cell." Peter Shoots a confused look my way. Ned comes up from behind him. "Peter, Ned, get out of here for a second." I say calm but deadly. I've never used this voice before so they just back away, watching with the rest of the cafeteria. "I bet you have Agents surrounding the building. being if I'll escape, Fury, I'm as old as the ice age, give or take a few years. Do you really think that I can't slip past?" I say calm and quiet. "Oh I fully know that you can, but I brought backup." I search the whole campus and air with my mind. "The Avengers." I state, then I read Fury's mind for what he's planning. 

"Do you not know what my names mean? They all mean Destruction. Why do you want me to help the world and become an Avenger?" 

"Yes, Kali, Distrugere, and Tethys. But if you can cause destruction, than why are you in a high school, trying to fit in?"

I snort. "I'm not an Avenger. I have caused so much pain in families." 

"Why don't you show us your true form?" 

I scoff. "You're stupid. If I Change in front of the whole school than they'll freak out, why don't we go outside?" I demand. Fury nods at some Agents, and they escort me out with Fury behind me.  

Once out in the parking lot, with all of the Avengers out of the quinjet, I hit the ground with my fist, and a bubble of water, ice and lightning burst, but it disappears as soon as it came, left in its place is me in my real body, "Finally. after four years stuck in that, body, it feels good to be me again." I say stretching.


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"Tethyst?" I hear Peter's voice ask, I still had the same clothes that I wore to school on, 

"Oh, hey Peter, " I say casually. 

"Parker," Tony states.


"Go inside kid," Peter looks at me. 

"You can stay if you want. I know you'll just look out of a window anyway." Peter nods. 

After Peter nods, I felt like someone was punching my brain, holy crap, that hurts. Someone is trying to read my mind. But it's not any Avenger. I look over to Natasha, and see her glaring at me, trying to figure me out. Wow, she has a strong glare. 

"Tethyst, come with us." Steve Rogers orders. I scoff. 

"I'm good. I don't want to be locked up again."

"You won't be, you'll be an Avenger."Bruce says. I look into his mind. 

"Fury, I'll be apart of your initiative,  if I get to do and go wherever I want, and visit whoever I want." 

"Deal." Fury says and hold out his hand. I shake it. 

"Come with us, Miss. Rooshkleg." Tony says. I nod, then say bye to Peter. 

"Welcome to the team. Tethyst." Rogers says when the hatch locked behind me. I nod.

I already know I'm in for a ride. 

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