Chapter 16

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Later that day, I went out on a date with Tori. She wanted to take me out to make up half the day she left me at home bored and shit. Oh trust me now, I got friends. I just didn't feel like talking to them.

All day I thought on a whether to tell Tori about my ex calling me or not. Hell I really don't want to tell her! I don't want her getting hurt cause of me and what I've done. She's too beautiful to get hurt.

Tori : You alright babe?

I looked over at Tori and she was looking at me then the road. I nodded then put a smile on my face.

Me : I'm ok.

Tori : Sure? You've been quiet for a while and your face was telling a story.

Me : I'm fine baby. Really.

She nods then parks at the beach. Why? I haven't had the slightest clue. Tori steps out the car then comes on my side and opens my door. I smiled at her and she shows me a blindfold.

Me : What's that?

Tori : Something you're gonna wear until we get there.

Me : The hell I'm not. I hate blindfolds.

Tori : Come on for me baby.

Me : I love you so much Tori. But there is no way in hell you're gonna make me put that blindfold on me.

Tori : I'll let you braid my hair and Max out my card tomorrow on shopping.

I looked at her then thought on that card of hers. That was tempting. Plus I've wanted to braid her hair so bad. It's longer than mine! And I think she'll look good in braids.

Me : Much as that sounds good, Ima still say no.

Tori pouts and presses me against the car. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my sweet spot. I bit my lip and kept in my moans. She hit the right spot.

Tori : *whispers in my ear* Do it for Daddy. *licks my earlobe*

I shivered under her and nodded in defeat. She pulled away from me and smiled while putting the blindfold on me. Last time someone put a blindfold on me.....I ended up at the hospital.

Me : Does the shopping and braiding your hair still stands?

Tori ; *laughs* Yea I was gonna let you do that even if you said no.

Me : *pouts* Meanie!

Tori ; I no meanie. If anything, *kisses my cheek* I'm your Daddy.

I blushed real hard. I was happy this blindfold was on my face now. I then was pulled with Tori. We walked for what seemed like HOURS!! And it felt like we were going in circles! I had sand going all up in my shoes and feet. Nooo I wanna be cute and wear sandals. -.-

Me : We there yet damn....

Tori : We almost there.

Me : Why the beach though?

Tori : You'll see.

We then finally stopped and Tori took the blindfold off. She stood right in front of me smiling.

Tori : You look beautiful.

Me : *blushes* Thank you.

Tori : Welcome beautiful.

Me : Now what you had me wearing a blindfold for?

Tori : Oh nothing. Just for this that's all.

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