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Today had gone well so far I had managed to get out of bed and that was better than most days. Normally I just lay in bed and think about how I could get up, but never do. But today felt different like there was a reason I should go to school, even though I hated that place. Mainly because it was where everyone was and I wasn't really a people person, even though somehow I had become one of the most popular people there. Everyone knew me and I didn't know everyone. Which was weird but it was the normal.
The feeling that I had to be there never diminished, not until I walked into someone, sending them flying onto the floor. After making sure they got to the nurse's room i decided to stay. I didn't really know who it was, not until the nurse had said his name. Alexander Lightwood. He was mysterious but in a good way. I don't really know what but there was something about him. Although when he woke up, he seemed confused. After a chat about what happened, I moved the chair to where the bed was.
"So Alexander"
"So Magnus"
"You know me?"
"Well, yes of course I do. But you know my name. Oh and it's just Alec by the way"
"The nurse said it before. I like Alexander better" I didn't really know what I was saying, Alexander really did something to me, I had become flustered quite quickly around him and I had no clue why. But maybe he was the reason I was feeling like I had to be here today.
Suddenly the door burst open.
"Oh Alec are you alright?" This must be Alexander's mum. There was a girl with her, younger than myself she had the same black hair as Alexander but she had dark brown eyes. The boy that was there looked nothing like any of them, he was younger than me I assumed , possibly the same age as Alexander? But this boy was slim and tall, he had blond hair on his head, it was flopped to one side and he had a pair of blue eyes but much lighter than Alexander's.
"Yeah, I'm fine mum, stop fussing" I smirked a bit I could feel it creeping on my face. Which made Alexander smirk when he noticed.
"Oh sorry, who's this then?" Alexander mum was looking at me
"Hi, I'm Magnus, I'm the one that walked into Alexander" his mum seemed surprised as soon as I uttered the words Alexander.
"Nice to meet you Magnus" she went to shake my hand, which I thought was weird but I shook it anyway and nodded. "Right Alec you have to come home with me. Isabelle and Jace decide between you who's coming home with me and who's staying because one of you has to look after Alec"
"Well I'm not looking after him" said the one I assumed to be Jace
"But you can't drive and the cars here, you have to" Isabelle let out as she looked at Jace
"Will you two just decide?"
"Mum it's fine, I can look after myself" Alexander said after he saw that his siblings were arguing
"No you can't, sit back down" his mum wasn't having any of it, Alexander sat back down on his mothers demand
"One of you has to do it, I don't want to be here all day I have a meeting to get back to"
"Mum the cars here I took it this morning and one of us has to pick up Max"
"I think that settles it Jace, you're coming with me" She shoved Jace out the door, and I went to help Alexander up off the bed but he was already up.
"Thank you Magnus for uh everything" Alec said quietly under his breath.
"Oh no don't thank me, I suppose I'll see you around" Alexander nodded at me almost nervous but I had no idea why.
After they all had left, it was just me and Isabelle stood in the nurses office, she smiled at me like she was going to say something but she never did and we left the room together.

I didn't see any of the Lightwood children for the next couple of days. They didn't seem to be at school, until I got a tap on my shoulder. I spun round and it was Isabelle.
"Uh hi Magnus isn't it?"
"Yeh that's me"
"I want to say, well my mum wanted me to say, thank you for helping my brother the other day"
"Oh yeh no worries, how is Alexander?"
"he's alright have you not seen him? he is back at school, actually there he is" she pointed at a boy, black hair flopped in his face and those blue eyes were looking at some girl. While he was clutching a book and walking towards me and Isabelle "Hey Alec! Look who I found" Isabelle shouted out
"Oh hey" Alec said as his eyes locked with mine, I could see how nervous he was, his body language gave that up as well. I smiled and he seemed to relax a bit and smiled back at me. Then the bell rang out, signalling a end of the 10 minute break between two periods.
"It was nice seeing you, glad to know you're feeling better, I have to go to English so I'll see you around?" I asked the question but didn't wait for the answer as I quickly dashed away

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