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ZHONG CHENLE's eyes fluttered open

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ZHONG CHENLE's eyes fluttered open. Hazy memories flooded his head as he tried to take in his surroundings.

Then he remembered it, everything.

Turning to his side, Chenle's stomach dropped in disappointment. He was back in his room.

Sighing, Chenle flung back into his previous position. Eyes on the glow–in–the–dark stickers. He remembered it all. The smell of her hair, her soft skin, her face, the color of her lips, and what she mumbled in her sleep. Chenle remembered that he had felt himself wake up a little during his sleep, and he heard her soft voice whisper "Promise me?"

Chenle wondered on why she would whisper such a thing, and to whom? Could it have possibly been for him? Eyes still on the stars, Chenle decided to wish on one of them.

They were stars, so they'd take wishes too, right?

"I wish..." Chenle whispered, his eyes fixed on a certain star "I wish I could call you mine"


Breakfast was silent. The only sound that could be heard was the clamorous bumping of metal chopsticks against porcelain bowls.

Taeyong had whipped up some delicious breakfast for Chenle and his buds. Although the food was delicious, Chenle couldn't quite taste it because he was distracted. Jisung sat unusually quiter than everyone else.

Was it because of what happened last night?

"What's wrong?"

Everyone's attention turned to Taeyong who was looking at Jisung. Being in the limelight, Jisung was taken aback unexpectedly. His mouth dropped open as he averted his gaze to Taeyong. "Uh, nothing hyung"

Taeyong pursed his lips, clearly unbelieving of this. Donghyuck inhaled sharply, hating the awkward tension. "Uh, Jeno–ah, you should try the soup" Jaemin chimed, trying to distract the others. Jeno immediately went soft, opening his mouth as Jaemin fed him.

The others were too busy swooning to notice that Jisung had slipped out of the room. But Chenle noticed, and he was determined to follow Jisung to make sure things were okay.

Exiting the room quietly, Chenle walked down the hallway with steady steps. He wanted to kill the little guilt he felt inside of him. Was Jisung upset because of him? Chenle smiled sadly at how ironic it was, he liked his best friends crush, wasn't that enough of a bad thing?

Arranging his thoughts to think straight, Chenle began to wonder on where Jisung would go.

Then, just like a light bulb getting switched on, an idea sparked in his head. Making his way to Jisung's bedroom, Chenle hummed a soft tune to keep himself from overthinking.

Once Chenle caught sight of the tall brown door, he came to a halt. Chenle grabbed the silver knob and tried to turn it gently, but the door wouldn't budge.

Chenle pressed his ear against the door. That's when he could hear it, the faint sound of muffled sobs. Heartbeat picking up speed, Chenle knocked on the door "Jisung?"

The sobbing stopped and then there was dead silence. "Jisung are you in there?" Chenle tried again, his hand twisting the door knob for the second time.

"Go away Chenle" A pained voice replied. "Jisung open up, let's talk.... Please" Chenle begged

The faint sound of footsteps suddenly became more audible as the footsteps came to a halt in front of the door. After at least two seconds, the door swung open and there, in front of Chenle was a messy, teary–eyed, red–nosed, cute Jisung.

Without saying anything, Chenle pulled him into a hug. "Hey, it's okay". Jisung said nothing as he continued sobbing.

"She..." Jisung started "She likes someone else"

Chenle stiffened a bit, but Jisung was too busy crying his eyes out to notice. "Jungi?" Chenle mumbled

Jisung sniffed hard "Yeah"

next chapter ⤵︎

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