Losing Hope

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Chapter 25


Day 60


I woke to the same sound I'd been hearing for the past 2 months and almost a week. But like every routine for us newbies, I arranged one of my own. As Gold Eyes approached the beds I was never in the position intended, and he'd have one of his men whip me.

A new guy this time.

Every girl here had clothes on their back. A pair of panties and a bra, and some with pale dresses that seemed to have come from pilgrims. I was the only one still nude, beaten, and starving to the brink I was afraid I'd cave soon.

But I promised him I'd fight.

I am strong. I am powerful. I will survive.

I have been repeating these words since Gold Eyes cleaned me that night. Since then no more nightmares came after the first week. Whipping Boy was gone and so was Erik. The only demon left was my precious Aunt Lesya.

Female nurses did their usual checkup and took measurements that none of the girls snuck knives, or anything that could be used as a weapon; this time frisking in private areas as well as under the beds. A mistake I made and cost me a week in bed, again.

"You are weak today, Rapunzel," Gold Eyes said to me, not bothering with the other girls; he would always come straight to me. "The drug in your system takes time to leave the body."

"I'm not weak," I told him, though my voice sounded far off.

"You can end this. Stand and I will let you eat. There is fresh food with me. Eggs and bacon. A nice, cold glass of milk. Do you not want that?"

I did, I yelled to myself, but if I eat; I surrender.

"You can't bait me. Your tactics are shit."

With a growl I was pulled to the edge of my bed. Gold Eyes locked my wrists together, trapped them on the mattress so I had to bend over, my ass raised in the air. This was to degrade me, humiliate, and teach a lesson to the new arrival of newbies.

I was angered with a drive to exceed this. To fight harder and come on top with victory to shove in these bastards' faces, because I had no doubt in one month there would be nothing to stop me from going home an unbreakable legend.

Big Nose, as I call the new whip beholder, strode behind me and tested his whip in a whoosh noise. The stroke of wind brushed my most private parts, and I panicked; my feet went straight for the guy's balls like the last.

"That bitch," Big Nose howled cupping his manhood.

"Get the girls in line," ordered Gold Eyes, grabbing me by the roots of my hair, "I have to give this one her dose of pain."

"Yes sir," said another, marching my bed mates out the door while two more carried Big Nose by his arms out the doors.

"Why," he yelled once the room had been cleared. "Why do you keep torturing yourself?!"

"Because I'm not a broken toy," I shouted in his face. "I refuse to be."

"Every damaged soul that has come here told me the same. Every one now sits at home with their tongue tucked to the back of their throats. I will have you doing the same."

"You're a repeating record. You've told me this many times since being here. When are you actually going to back up the shit you threaten me with," I said.

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