I Am So Sorry

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*If you don't want to read all of this then basically I'm just saying that I'm sorry for not updating for so long and I'll try to maintain a schedule from now on*

I am so sorry, (to Tyler specifically), I haven't updated this in almost a year now. I don't have an excuse for why I haven't been updating but I honestly meant to, and started to, but I started to get caught up in stuff and then just completely forgot about this book. It was only recently that I even thought about it, when my friend, Tyler, mentioned that I still haven't updated the book. 
I will be setting up a schedule for myself to put up new chapters and I will post if I won't be doing a chapter or if something comes up. Thank you to anyone who has been this patient with me (again Tyler, thank you for reminding me and thank you for being patient with my bullshit excuses lol) I will start regular posts maybe by next week and if I don't then I'll let you guys know, and hopefully I'll be able to keep on track this time, byyyyeeeee <3 <3 <3

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