First encounter

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(First person POV)

" My eyes shot open by hearing the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned loudly and got out of bed to stop the sound. Knowing myself all too well, I put it somewhere far from my bed so I'd be forced to stand up. As I almost broke my clock in irritation, I opened my window and yawned loudly, the sounds of birds tweeting and the bright sun making my morning better. The fact that I live in an apartment on the 7th floor made for a nice view of the city, which isn't as lively as usual since it's only 7 am. I quickly changed to some casual clothes, and went to my small kitchen to make two cups of  coffee and two bagels, one with salmon and one with cheese. Once I was done making breakfast, I sat on my balcony, patiently waiting for my neighbor, Daisuke to wake up. A few minutes later, the door of his balcony finally opened and Daisuke walked out of his apartment with only his pants on. I gulped, trying not to admire his muscles. He flew over his balcony with his quirk to mine and sat opposite of me.

"Goodmorning!" I greeted the sleepy male, him in return waving back lazily, with a small grin on his face.

"How can you always be this cheerful in the morning?" He asked me as I shoved the bagel with salmon to his side, the coffee already standing in place.

"I'm always cheerful, why should the morning be an exception?" I questioned him as I took a bite from my bagel, a string of cheese not wanting to go into my mouth.

"Why did I even ask..." He said to himself. I giggled.

"So, you gonna try finding a job again today?" I asked him with my mouth filled with food.

"Yeah, I already found one at an amusement park nearby." I gasped loudly, as his lazy eyes widened a bit from my exclamation.

"Maybe you can get a discount for us both and then we can go there together!"

"I don't think that'll work, but we can go there together either way." He said, his cheeks looking a bit red. I tilted my head a bit in confusion.

"Are you getting a col-" Before I could finish my sentence, my phone started buzzing, reminding me I had to go to work. I stood up.

"Sorry, I have to go to work. Tell me about your job later!" I said, waving and locking the balcony door behind me, not bothering to clean up our breakfast. I grabbed my bag with work clothes, and got out of my apartment, locking my door in the process.

-time skip-

I finally arrived at work and tried to catch my breath from running. My bus delayed 10 minutes later, so I had to sprint to be on time. I quickly got into the changing room and changed my clothes, putting my hair in a messy ponytail as I never bothered to learn how to do it properly. I then went to check in with my boss, who didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"You're late." She said irritated, pointing at her watch.

"I'm sorry boss, it won't happen again!" I stupidly saluted like a soldier.

"You said that yesterday too..." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Just get to work." I nodded quickly, and went to get an order pad, a pen and a tray. On the way I bumped into one of my colleagues, Sakira, who I see as my best friend between them all. Though she never seems to return my feelings.

"Hello~" I greet her with a small wave and a smile, getting a groan in return.

"Don't bother me today, or else." She said and bumped my shoulder while getting her stuff. I shrugged. Probably didn't sleep well or something. I went to take orders and clean up tables, getting a small tip every now and then, which I happily put in my pocket.

I then went to get some drinks, but accidentally bumped into Sakira again. This time she got a bit angry.

"Watch where you're going, dense face!" She threatened with an angry frown on her face, her eyes brimming with anger.

"Sorry!" I said simply with a weak smile. She ignored me and went back to work.

I put all the drinks that stood on the counter on my tray, having a hard time handling the weight. I carefully made my way to the table of people, but tripped over something and fell face forward on the ground, Fanta and Cola splashing over me. I stood up and looked around in shame, some people laughing and some people having a concerned look on their face. I saw a sinister smile creep onto Sakira's face, with her foot right where I tripped, making me realize she was the one who did it.

"Miss (l/n)! Office, now!" My boss yelled at me from behind the counter, making me nod quickly in fear. Some of my other colleagues started cleaning up the mess I made, looking at me with concern. I quickly shot a sad smile to them, then went to my boss' office. I opened the door slowly, peeking inside.

"Sit down." She ordered sternly. I quickly sat down on the small chair in front of her desk. She sighed.

"This is the second time you fell down this week, and the third time you're late."

"But my bus keeps getting late, and I tripped over someone's foot-"

"I don't care! Look, you're a good waitress and you make people happy, but this is the last warning I give you. Screw it up again, and I'll fire you immediately." She said, making me stand up and bow.

"Thank you, boss! I won't fail you again!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just go home, it's already past 10 pm." She said, making me gulp. I had to catch my bus at 10 pm exact, so now I had to walk 50 minutes to get home. I went out of the office, quickly changed my clothes and went outside, the sky already dark since it's winter. I walked to the bus station, hoping the bus delayed this time too. But the bus station was already emptied out. I started walking home with my head hang low, small raindrops falling from the sky. My mood was pretty sad, which is very exceptional since I'm almost never sad.

As it started raining harder, I quickly sheltered myself under a tree next to the road. I shivered, my jacket not being enough to keep me warm. But then I saw a black cat on the other side of the road. I walked over and kneeled before the small cat, the animal quickly running away. I chased after the cat, wanting to pet it's fluffy fur. But then it lead me to an alleyway, where a man was being thrown to the ground and holding his hands before his face in fear.

"Please, forgive me!" He begged. Though I know it isn't wise to get involved, I tiptoed a little closer as curiosity got the better of me.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible anymore, since you ratted out our location." A man wearing a green jacket with grey fur on it said, stepping back a little. He then took out a gun, and gave it to another person.

"Shoot him." He ordered. The said person did as he was told, a loud noise echoing from the narrow alleyway walls. I stepped back in shock, only to trip over a rock and fall down with a loud 'thump'. The man and his companions looked my way, and noticed my presence. The green jacket wearing man walked over to me, and I quickly stood up.

"Who are you?" He asked as he stood 2 meters away from me.

"I...uh..." I stuttered, not being able to speak. He came closer in a way that my back was against the wall, and he held his hand out.

"It doesn't matter, you have seen too much." He said and tried to touch me, but I used my quirk and made him fly against the opposite wall. I then ran out of the alleyway.

"Kill her!" I heard the man say, and ran towards my house as fast as I could, trying to shake the men of by going into unexpected corners. But I then turned into a corner which lead to nothing, and the men catched up to me. They blocked the only way out, backing me against the wall again. I raised my head shakingly, searching for a way out.

"Now what will you do? I suggest you surrender and choose for a painless death." The man said behind his large mask, threatingly walking towards me. I confidently shook my head.

"I...I won't die here!" I said stern, and used my telekinesis to push him and his companions to the ground, quickly flying away. I looked back slightly, right into the man's sinister, golden eyes, before I started flying faster.

-1525 words-

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