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I decided to explore the hideout and try to remember the complicated hallways, which I failed in pretty quickly. Where even is the dining room. I sighed, he can't expect me to find everything myself in a maze like this. At the moment I'm just trying to find my way back to the living room.

"Hey! Who are you?" A voice behind me echoed. I turned around and looked at a man with a face mask that looked like that of a fly. He also had long, straight black hair and weared only pants and a furry coat to cover his body. His face was a mix of anger and confusion. To describe it in one word, he looked drunk. Then he came running at me with some small knives in his hands. Wait he-

"Come back here intruder!" He screamed at me, as I ran away as fast as I could. What does he mean with intruder? I thought I've been here for a few weeks? Then a knife flew just a centimeter across my face, cutting a small piece of my hair.

"Eek!" I exclaimed. I should try to use my quirk... Wait, what was it again?

"Damn coward!" He yelled at me. I tried using multiple moves with my hands, but nothing happened. Why can't I remember my quirk?! Did I hit my head that hard? Then I began losing my balance, and had a hard time standing on the ground, let alone run. But then, as if the gods had mercy, I ran into a door with a lock. I quickly got into the room and locked the door, my heart still pounding wildly in my chest. I then turned around and observed the room. There's only one word to describe this. Clean. There was literally no dust or unclean thing whatsoever, the bed was made perfectly and all the clothes were neatly sorted out on color. Is this my room? It also smelled really nice, as if roses and lavender were mixed together. Then I noticed that a sound was coming from one of the openings in the room.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" I asked. No response. I went to check it out, and noticed that the sound was coming from a shower. I curiously looked inside. Bad idea.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I squeaked, and turned around. I just walked in on a... naked man. I didn't recognize him though, since the room was very foggy. Luckily, I didn't see much either. But still!

I heard that the shower was turned off, and ran to the exit.

"What are you doing here?" I turned around, and saw Overhaul with a towel, covering his underbody only, revealing his muscular, bare chest. He also wore the same mask as before, which looked weird considering the rest of his appearance.

"I-I...uh..." Then a loud knock was heard from behind the door.

"Fight me you coward!" I jumped up.

"Seriously..." Overhaul sighed, and grabbed some clothes. Then he frowned at me.

"Oh, sorry! I won't look!" I turned around, my head probably as red as a tomato.

"You can turn around now." He said, and I did as he said. He wore a plain white blouse, black pants and black shoes. He also wore his signature mask and gloves. Why does he always wear that mask? Is that a symbol of this organization? Then I realized I was staring at him.


"Quit saying sorry so much, it's starting to annoy me."

"Sor- I mean yes sir!" I mentally face-palmed, knowing he probably hates my guts. Then he walked past me and unlocked the door, the same man from before bursting in and accidentally attacking Overhaul.



I watched the scene before me unfold with widened eyes, my mouth probably reaching the floor. The man just...disappeared, leaving behind only some of his blood. Overhaul laid on the floor with one glove off, his face showing nothing but irritation. His mask also flew off, revealing his face to me for the first time. I was unable to speak, the shock holding me right where I was standing. He then turned his face away from me.

"Don't look at me." He ordered threatingly, reaching for his mask. I nodded and closed my eyes, not wanting to end up like the other man.

"Open your eyes." I quickly did as he said. He stood only a few centimeters away from me, so I had to look up to see his face. His golden eyes were cold and distant, and stared at me like I just took something precious from him. The tension could be cut with a knife, as they say. I felt really uncomfortable, to say the least.

"You know why I did that, right? He broke his precept by getting drunk and attacking me, so he had to be punished." He explained, as I didn't understand at all. What is a precept? I decided to nod anyways.

"Y-yeah...I understand." I stuttered, my heart almost exploding out of my chest.

"Good." He finished, and walked to the door. I tried to simmer down my heartbeat. He then walked to the door, and signaled for me to come with. I quickly followed him. Then I started wondering. Was my heart beating out of shock? Out of fear? Or was it...because of something else?

-word count: 909 words-

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